What Is Wrong With Me

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Lucy who's been with the shorter but a year older blue haired girl who has been in her grade are currently in the cafeteria for their lunch break. "Luchaaaannnn" the girl tried to grab the attention of the blonde girl but hasnt been successful for the last five minutes when a gruff senior with a long black haired guy put his arm on the short girl "Shrimp, what are you doing with bunny girl?" this time the blonde girl frowns and glared at him saying "well obviously its lunchbreak metal head" without waiting for the comeback of the man she then said to the other girl "Lev, see you on the next class gotta do something..." she leaves the place before either one can say a thing.


Natsu hadnt been so embarrassed and angry on himself like right now. He and his girlfriend had snuck in the infirmary for a quickie instead of eating lunch but to his and the girls' disappointment he couldnt get hard at all by her ministrations "Whats wrong Natsu?... why is it not getting hard whats bothering you?" The white short haired said as she massages his member despite the situation. "Nothing, Lis" an image of Lucy appeared on his mind and it annoyed him so he pulled back from her and said "Im going to the cafeteria, Im probably just hungry" he smiled at her which earned him a pout but she said "Fine, ill wait here since we still have 20 minutes" he nodded and mumble "Ill bring you something" and walks out while fixing his clothes but to his dismay he bumps into someone on the way out.


Lucy had been feeling weird so she wanted to take some kind of medication if the school nurse have it but to her carelessness she bumps into someone as she opens the door to the infirmary she stumbles a bit but catches herself in time and with eyes wide she noted a salmon haired "Natsu" she said when she notices how he is a mess and her eyes lands on a girl almost half naked on the infirmary bed "Lisanna" she mumbles. She instantly backs away and then runs leaving a shocked Natsu.


Natsu couldnt believe it, his sister had just walked in, bumped into him and then before he could even say something shes gone "Is this day gonna get worst?" He ruffles his hair as he notice that Lisanna hadnt even saw the event for she fell asleep and he closed the door feeling quite guilty for Lucy instead of his girlfriend making him confused so he decided to talk to his blonde hair little step sister.

Lucy doesnt understand what happened but all she know is now shes in her last class for the day as the hours passed by in a blur. "Luchan what the heck is wrong with you" Levy had been trying to get her attention for a whole ten minutes now since the class had been dismissed "Oh uh, sorry Lev im just not feeling good, i think im heading home..." the blonde said as the girl in front of her frowns but said "So arent you gonna call your STEP brother?" She asked quoting the word step but Lucy only replied in a point blank tone with "No, i just need to be alone." Before Levy could respond a voice resonates from the doorways "There you both are Shrimp and Bunny girl gihee" the long black haired guy walked straight to them but before he could come near Lucy just said "Well hey Gaj, perfect timing i need to go and Im sure Lev wouldnt mind your company" she winked at them as she rushed before any of them can comment leaving a blushing couple in the empty room aside from them.


DISCLAIMER: Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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