Wounded Hearts

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Lucy runs away from everyone but as she arrives on the clearing someone grabs her and she is in his arms hugging her like before "Im sorry, Luce, I never asked you what happened, why you left me, I was mad so I yelled at you that time when i saw you after years, i hated you but i didnt recognize that its becoz i am in love with you." He whispers to her making her shiver as she then sobs at his statement.

A few moments after she stops sobbing and now they are seated on a bench with their hands clasping each other and then she speaks "You, said Lisannas' name at that time when you were with me, so i knew that you love her not me but i still hoped for us to happen since you knew that your my first I felt pathetic when I saw you on a park with Lisanna after i bought something in the pharmacy, i then took dads offer to come with Auntie Anna because moms dying and you, I lost you... " she said without looking at him.

"You misunderstood, i was saying goodbye to Lisanna because i wanted to be with you" he says and that made her stand up "Youre a liar" by this time her bangs covers her doe eyes as tears run down her cheeks "You were kissing her" seeing her cry makes his heart break but anger breaks through him and he says " Maybe i was but you didnt fight for me you left instead!" The two of them are crying by this time.

Lucy breaks the silence as she said "Well its too late youre engaged and I have Rouge, we cant return to before but we cant hurt others... We did this to ourselves" Natsu grabs her and kisses her forcefully with passion and anger at her words "I am in love with you I cant love another" this made the blonde furious and she slaps him with all her strength as she says "Its too late we cant have what we always want! I am in love with you too but we cant!" She then runs away as the male lets her go with shattered a heart as he watches her disappear.


Sting is currently on the other side of the area where his wounds are being treated by a medical personel as Rufus watches him with Minerva beside him "Have you learned your lesson and stop getting in between relationships?" The long haired male asks him "Tsk, how about you? Why is that girl with you and not her fiancee, dont you think i see how she looks disheveled and with a ring?" The blonde glares at the older male and the other sighs and said "Shes Minerva, and Natsu is her fiancee, we havent done anything, shes a friend" he lied smoothly with stoic feature and the female felt a tug on her heart as she plays with her ring as anxiety surrounds her heart. "Uhuh, well whatever were leaving in this shithole next month anyway" he starts to walk out and abruptly stops as he says "Ill apologize to my brother and you, Minerva woman, you better straighten up" with that he is gone leaving the duo silent as the personels leave as well. "Goodbye Minerva, always be happy" Rufus said after a few minutes of silence. Without looking at her, he slowly leaves the room as the woman slowly drops to the ground to cry.


Gajeel stares at his former prodigy with Levy beside him "Whats gotten into you?" The woman asks Rouge while a medical personel attends his wounds "Im in love with Lucy and shes not with me" he says sadly instead. This taken the woman aback. "You knew it when you covers for her at the restaurant. I warned you with my stare and you let it go so now you regret it?" Gajeel intercepts "Wrong, I dont regret anything, instead I wont leave her unless she asks me to, Im in love with her." He stares at his former trainer intently and the taller male smirks at him "You haven't changed, but next time dont ruin a wedding celebration" Rouge blushed at the embarrassment and just nodded at him. "I am sorry Rouge hope everything works out but Luchan is unpredictable, I just wish all of you to be happy but I think this wedding is a nightmare for you all instead of a gift" the blue haired female said and is about to cry when the said man said "No this wedding a break to everyone, it breaks the silence and puts everything in an open, so thank you both of you" he smiles at them and they stares at them. After few moments the newly married couple left.

"Sorry" Rouge eyes his brother and said nothing but then the blonde hugs him and says "Im sorry brother, i hurt you and Lucy but im just worried, but whatever happens from now on, Ill support your decisions" this warmed the olders' heart and hugs the younger brother.


DISCLAIMER Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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