The Hearts Of Hearts

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Lucy stares in Rouges ruby colored eyes alarmed for a while until the male held her shaking hands with his in a comforting way making the woman to slowly calm down and sigh "Okay, Ill tell you but please dont judge me..." she puts down her utensils as she then summarize everything that happened with a painful expression.

Rouge couldnt believe what Lucy had been through. It hurts him to know how much she was hurt by the damn bastard of Natsu. He quickly stands up in irritation as he is about to head to where the male is to punch him for everything the woman had gone through but Lucy held his arms and said "Please dont leave me like you did before..." this made him stop on his tracks and without thinking kissed the woman on her cherry lips.


Natsu had been thinking for a while to do this moment as he touches the sleeping womans' face and then he whispers "Minerva" the woman flutters her eyes slowly and smiles at him sheepishly "Yes baby, whats wrong?" She ask worriedly. Without further adue he suddenly asks "Will you marry me?" Shocking the girl to no end.


Levy smiles at her grooms sleeping face and touches it making the male lean on her hands as she whispers "I know this wedding will be a miracle for all" with that thought she slowly falls asleep cuddling Gajeel.


Lucy didnt know what to do, should she respond or not but gradually Rouge melted her barriers away and kisses him back.

"Lucy, Ill never leave you ever again, I have loved you and still do please give me a chance to show you the love you deserve" he stares deeply in her doe brown eyes as he waits for her reply longingly.


"I will marry you Natsu, definitely!" Minerva yelled her response to Natsu and hugs him tightly while sobbing the happiness she feels.

"Thank you Minie" the salmon haired man smiles at her tightly. After they break the hug the two kissed each other deeply.


Lucy stares back at the man who just confessed at her as her mind wonders on their childhood memories.


Natsu had just abandoned her on the playground while searching for the new girl in town namely "Lisanna" when she suddenly falls down a curve while doing her jogging exercise, causing her to scrape her knee and to start bleeding quite a lot.

"Itai ouch ouch..." she holds onto it as she tries to wait for the pain to subsides when a voice from her back resonates.

Rouge who happens to be training is in the same park as her when he noticed the blonde goddess falling down and immediately rush towards her as he said "Lulu, do you need help?"

She looks up and said "Duh, off course my baka brother left me and now I couldnt stand up properly coz my knee is bleeding quite badly." The blonde complained at him making the male chuckle and for her to frown

"Ill help you, now" he bends down in front of her and said "hold onto me, Ill carry you" the female blushes a bit but did what he said.

That was the start of when Lucy had fallen for him but she immediately refrain from it when she noticed how the other senior girls would look at them and so she starts to consider him her second brother, so when he left a few months after, her heart had been burned by a hole.


The silence is deafening for both but Lucy decided to end it with another question "Tell me why you left first."

DISCLAIMER: Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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