The Past That Made My Decision

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It has been two months now and they barely said a word with each other. In fact they try to avoid each other as soon as they see each others shadow.


Natsu is currently sitting on the bed in his bedroom that they asign him while studying the picture in the frame of his bedside table when a paper slip from it. He unfolds it and found a handwritten letter from his dad to Layla.

Dearest My Sweet Peach Layla,
I am sorry that I broke your heart that time but i dont regret having my son with me. I love you so much that I wish you are my wife but then I have fallen in love with her by this moment. I cant turn back time but if I could, I wont because what i am today is because I learned my lessons but know this that if someday, we meet again, then i wont let you go even if we just become friends because thats how much I love you sweety. I cant loose you in my life.

His eyes widens as he realizes how stupid he has been. The woman he is in love with is not married and so he is yet instead of facing her, he avoids her. The situation is far better with him and Lucy than with his dad and Layla. That is what made his decision as he starts to dress up to look for her and start over again from the beginning.


Lucy couldnt help it but she wanted a peaceful moment with her beloved books so she went to the library room of the villa.

She is currently reaching for a book when that book falls on the ground and a box fall from it to the ground. She frowns and studies the book, which turns out to be a secret compartment for the box. She opens the box and sees that theres a photo in it. Layla and Igneel. "They knew each other?" The picture is way back when the two were in highschool since it was the same uniform , her and Natsu had when they were younger. She turns the photo and sees the caption "My lovely Girl with my dumbass self" this made her giggle then confusion can be seen in her face as she sits on the office chair when a memory, or rather a story that her mother used to tell her appears in her mind.


Lucy had just gotten in her bed when her mother emerges from her door as she asks to the older blonde "Mom, why does fairytales always have to be about prince and princess or something like that? Its too boring.. can you tell me a story? A true story." The older blonde giggles at the younger one and then sits beside her "Okay, Ill tell you a true story" and she begins.

"Once upon a time there was a blonde haired female who had fallen in love with a male that always attracts female attention. The female has always been jealous because it made her feel sad to see him with others despite him feeling the same way about her. They love each other. As years go by, the male proposed to the girl and she gladly accepted it but in real life the situation can vary so the male made a mistake and it broke the female's heart. They drifted away and gotten with other people." By this time Lucy is crying as The older woman hugs her. "So what happens next? Please tell me they met again and realize its mistake to be with another!" The older female smiles warmly at her and continues the story. "No, they didnt realize a mistake because both had a beautiful and handsome angels, but they met again when their love ones died and their love for each other wins again so now they are all a big family" "yay!" Lucy cheered up at this and hugs her mother which she hugs back when a male with a young child appears behind them "Im glad to see this scene dont you agree Natsu?" Igneel asks as the two females offer a group hug which the males accepted.


" So thats how it is?" "Mom, youve made up my mind, Im so stupid because Im letting my pride get in the way , when I could just start over again with him... after all Im still in love with Natsu..." she mumbles as she wipes the tears she had from the memory that she had reminisced.


DISCLAIMER Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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