I Cant Win A Fight Alone

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Three months had passed since everything had exploded in the wedding of Gajeel and Levy.

Rufus, Orga and Sting had been travelling to their tours without Rouge as he decided to follow Lucy after two months and a half of not being with her.

"Yes, I know Rouge, Im not a kid,bye" Sting hungs up the phone and looks at Orga as he says "Rouge says that he'll be coming in a month or two unless something happens" The manager just nodded as he looks through his phone for their schedule as Rufus speaks "Im glad for him, i hope everything goes fine for him" He says as he looks at the movie he is watching with unreadable expression.


Rouge had been staying with Lucy but the more he spends time with her the more he realizes that he'll never have her fully, between her work and her heart being far away from the place, but he didnt want to give up, after all he is too stubborn for that.

He is currently walking down the streets of the area near the office of hers when a person bumps him "Ouch, watch where youre going?!" He frowns as realization hits him and he says "Juvia" "Yes, oh my god, Rouge!" She hugs him "I missed you, whats up?" She is one of the woman he can depend on, , his bestfriend in his college years. "Im in a bit of problematic love story..." he says and this made her giggle.

A few moments after, they are now sitted on the main cafe in the town "So thats it.." he says after stating the whole story. The woman frowns at him and says "Youre so stupid but its easy to solve the problem, She loves another so talk to her and move on if she cant be with you fully." She hated this type of conversation with him since she is actually in love with him even after all this time without him. "Thanks Juv" he is actually about to kiss her cheek when she suddenly looks in his way and their lips crashes together making her blush and him flustered at the electricity he felt. They talk about nothings after that with both hearts palpitating quite fast and the male looking at her differently for the first time without her noticing this.


At that moment, Yukino and Lucy are walking for a quick break as they both see the kiss between an unknown female and Rouge. The first girl is ready to pummel him while the blonde says "Let them be, they look good together and he deserves to be happy, i cant make him happy Yuki..." she then started to walk away with the white haired woman lecturing her as she dismisses all her statements and made up her mind to talk to him tonight.


It has been already about two months since Natsu got Lilliana and Minerva isnt that happy about it since the child had been against her to begin with.

Minerva had stayed with Natsu as she made her decision after that wedding but her heart had been left with Rufus.

"Natsu, why cant you return Lilliana to her mom?" She asks him knowing that the child isnt home but instead in the school. "Shes my daughter Minerva" "Yes and shes a brat!" She shrieked at him as he then says "If you cant accept my child then leave me !" He snaps at her and this made her angry as she the yells at him "You know what I dont give a fuck, yes i might do that, by the way I fucked another man and he felt good!" She takes her ring off and throws at him expecting for him to have reaction but instead he looks at her blankly and then she says "You really love Lucy, if you cant have the same reaction as with me at that villa, then i cant compare, we both love another to begin with, Im so sorry..." she then packs her stuffs as she is ready to leave, the child returns from school and she pats her head as she says to the girl "I know we dont get along but i want you to know that i care about your dad and I want him to be happy so push your dad to get his happiness" with that parting words she left the place with a drinking Natsu and a clueless little girl.


DISCLAIMER Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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