His Funeral

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Three days had past since Igneels' death and now his wake is being held in the church where his former wife wake was held.

Natsu sits solemnly on the front row of the seaters while looking down and his face is tear stained while Lilliana is holding his hand as a support and Lisanna along with Bickslow, who is holding their baby ,welcome the visitors.

Almost all the employees along with the people Igneel helped had visited already. Now closed relatives and friends that had lived far away are slowly visiting one by one as well.

A red head came near the salmon haired male. "Condolence, couz." "Erza" he recognize her. "Jellal" her husband the two of them had been married for 15 years now and hadnt been granted a child. "Im glad you both came" he smiles crookedly "Yes, we are too..." they settled on the second row of the seaters.


The third day came and this time some more visitors come.

Minerva, Rufus along with Sting and Orga pays respect to the dead. "Hi, Natsu, sorry we arrive quite later than we planned, we had to wait for Sting and Orga to free up their schedules..." the said man looks up at them and how she and the Rufus man are holding each others hand "Its fine, Im glad that you found the man" she blushed and said her thank yous.


It is now the last day of the funeral when Metalica along with Levy, and Gajeel come with their kids.

The bluenette sobs and hugs Natsu saying her condolences who stiffly hugs her back while Gajeel just nodded at him and Metalica tries to wake his brother up from death but is held back by Bickslow and Lisanna while Lilliana yells at him.

A few more hours ticks by when suddenly the doors open and a dark haired male with a blue haired female on his arms appeared followed by a blonde haired female.

"Condolence" said the male who Gajeel recognize as his former apprentice "Rouge"

Natsu is driven from his solemn state as he stands up and looks at the said man but suddenly he catches a glimpse of blonde hair as it passed him quickly to the casket in front of him and like a moth follows it "Lucy" he whispers.

His mind is racing and he felt like theres only her and him on this funeral. A part of him felt his love and care for her but then its the anger that raised for him to take another male and herself here on his dads' funeral such disrespect and he did what he wants "What are you doing here?!" He yells as he grips her arms on his solid hard hand. "He is also my family!" She yells back "No he isnt, hes my dad, you left the family along time ago!" Before it goes bad more than it is now Rouge got in between them as well at Gajeel.

"Stop this nonesence Natsu, this is a funeral!" Gajeel said annoyed at their childishness. "Dont get in between Gajeel" he replies growling. "We will need to get in between if you continue to bully Lulu instead of talking with each other as adults" Rouge said "Shut up Rouge youre just her her" he didnt finished as a female voice interupts "Ex, im his fiancee, so calm your balls" it is Juvia "Pardon me?" She is about to answer when suddenly a man appears by the door.

"Ahem, Is there Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia here?" The suited man said clearly making the others look at him "Yes" the duo replies on an instinct making them frown at each other and then Metalica to stand up "Attorney Jura" The two of them nod at each other in recognition.


DISCLAIMER Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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