Lies To Tell

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Levy couldnt believe it that shes actually dressing up to go to Gajeels' annoying cousin and Natsus' double date for lunch time. "I really hate you Gajeel for asking me to act okay with going to a lunch date with them! I feel like im betraying Luchan." She admits as she sits down on the bed after putting her earrings. "Levy, babe I know it will be awkward but Lucy is with Rouge as of right now, maybe she had move on by now" he said while hugging the woman from behind "Luchan is not that easily to move on but I hope youre right, and fine Ill go to this lunch just for you" she said calming down a bit as the male kisses her and says "Youre the best , thats why Im marrying you Levy" this made the shorter woman smile while blushing.


Natsu and Minerva have been waiting in the living room while they are holding hands and talking about sweet nothings "I love you really Natsu, Im glad you are my man" she said shamelessly making the male smile "Me too Minnie" the salmon haired man replies making the woman in his arms smile and blush a bit.


After a few moments both of the couples are now sitting on the eastern part area of the restaurant named "Fireykey La Restaurante" when suddenly another couple had occupied the next sitting area beside them.


Lucy and Rouge had finally arrived at the restaurant that the female had finally chose after few hours of choosing among the top three she specified earlier. The couple had been innocently sitted next to another couples when the second table calls out to them.


Levy knew that she shouldnt have done it but she couldnt help herself when she saw her bestfriend arriving and sitting beside them on the same restaurant. "Luchan!" She waves making the duo look up at them the blonde smiles sweetly until she sees Natsu and it faded. Rouge noticed it but left his emotion in check and blank physically while Minerva is oblivious to the pleading look that her fiancee wore on his face seeing the other female.

Right now, Levy is sitting right beside Lucy with Rouge beside the blonde and Gajeel beside the blue haired while Natsu closed to Minerva who couldnt help but grin at her ring. The couples were talking about different nonesense of topic when the dark haired female grabs the peoples' attention in the table "Guys ,I and Natsu have a big news" the other eyes immediately landed on them with the blondes' worried emotion. "We are engaged" she bluntly said as the salmon haired looks at what the blonde girls' reaction. Lucy stayed silent while digging her nails on her thighs which is exposed by her blue fitted dress. Rouge takes action immediately and holds her hands as he then said "Lucy and I are officially couple over a month now" he seriously lied making the blonde stares at him as he continues to tell a story "We havent told you it but we had reconnected since last year and had started our relationship last month thats why I took Lucy yesterday when I saw her in the villa." By this time Natsu had been furious at the couple and without further thinking he grabs the dark short haired by his collars only to stop midway when Lucy said "Yes and I love Rouge" she holds his hand back sweetly. The action is not unnoticed by Gajeel but this time Levy speaks "But you said, I thought you just met yesterday" the blonde giggles at this and said "We , we were just faking everything, Im sorry Levychan" she said softly afraid that she can read through it and havent notice the look that Gajeel and Rouge gave each other. "Oh , oh well, Im glad that this wedding will be okay, since you both are okay" The bride said seriously confused that she misread the people in front of her.


The lunch date had gone through tensely but silently peaceful with the four people hurting. After they had said goodbyes for now and Lucy had said that she wont be there for finishing touches but will attend the wedding, which made Levy upset while Gajeel console her, and Natsu had been quiet all those time which made Minerva concerned of her place in his heart.

DISCLAIMER Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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