These Love

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Natsu couldnt believe what hes seeing right now. Lucy is wearing a little tiny bikini with his shirt as her top. The perky nipples she has are completely sticking from under the shirt, her hips wiggles as she walks near him with her kissable lips smiling towards him "wow" he says as the woman is now in front of him on her knees "Natsu, I love you so much" the blonde girl said with pure love in her doe brown eyes " I i" Natsu didnt get to finish his sentence as he jolts in his sleep waking up the dark haired goddess beside him "Whats wrong Natsu" the man couldnt answer Minerva with words instead he holds her and sob on her head "Im so sorry Minerva, I i just had a bad dream" he sobs as the woman rocks him.


Lucy and Rouge had been jogging after their coffee break earlier. "So youre the singer on Levychan wedding huh?" She asked as they stop for a break "Well yeah, but Sting will be late for a week or two before arriving here, so are we going later there?" The male asked expressionless at her "No, its just finishing touches so I believe that Levychan will understand if i come at least three days from now" he nods at her and then asks "So you plan to spend those time with me for now" he stated confidently as the blonde said "Maybe" he pouted and then she added "If you catch me , Ill definitely do it" she runs away from him and he smirks as he runs after his girlfriend.


Levy and Gajeel had been eating their breakfast after their peaceful sleep. "I wonder if Luchan is really okay now" Levy ask to noone but got an answer from her groom "well yes, knowing who shes with as you told me earlier, she is" he said confidently "How sure are you?" She asks curiously "hundred percent sure because he is in love with her since day one" the duo smiled at each other happily.


After a few hours of sleeping, Natsu finally got up only to see Minerva already dressing up for the day. "Honey, youre awake" the dark haired woman goes closer to him and gives him a peck on the lips. "Yes, babe" he said sheepishly. "Natsu, i want you to dress up were having a lunch date with Gajeel and Levy later. Im gonna grab a breakfast for now so wait here" without waiting for his answer she left, leaving the salmon haired male to his own thoughts.


Minerva immediately sees the couple eating and greets them sweetly "Hey you both are here!" The duo look up to her and said "Hi Minerva" the female with a blank tone while the male with a kind tone. "Well, i just want to invite you later for a lunch date, you'd come right?" The woman asked pleadingly to her cousin and to the blue haired fiancee of the cousin. "Why?" Levy asked before Gajeel could say yes to her. "Just please" "We would" The dark haired male said before his fiancee could say another words to his cousin making the girl skipped happily as she takes a plate of food for two with her to Natsu and hers' bedroom not hearing the protest from the blue haired female.


Natsu had already been dressing up when Minerva had arrive with a plate full of food for them "Lets eat then we could walk around the beach while waiting for our lunch date later" the male only nodded at this.

Lucy finally had been caught by Rouge and now they have been reading through catalogs of restaurants for them to eat for their first lunch date after being a couple "So have you picked what restaurant to go to babe?" He asked as he hugs her from behind. "Well not yet but I have my top three for now: Lamia Seafood Resto, FireyKey La Restaurante, and Shadow Grill."

DISCLAIMER: Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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