What Happened In The Past

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Rouge and Lucy had been in the car for the past two hours both are silent while the male drives on the road to a place he usually goes to when everything gets heavy.

"Rouge, thank you for taking me out of the villa.. but i need to know why are you here? And more importantly why didn't you tell me that youre leaving that time..." Lucy decided to break the agonizing silence between them.

"If i answer your questions, will you tell me whats bothering you, enough to die for it?" Rouge replied with a blank expression, expecting for the females' disagreement of the matter.

"I will tell you, because I trust you no matter what remember?" The female replied making him stop the car which is coincidently in front of an expensive vacation house rental, he looks at her expecting a mocking expression but to his startled reaction, he sees her blunt and truthful expression making him smile wildly.

"You never change Lulu." He smiles at her more and then said "I will tell it but first we need to find a rest place, i am confidently sure that you dont want to return to the villa for tonight, so Ill search for now" he grabs his phone and is about to search when he notices that theyre in a good place to sleep the night over. "Nevermind, we will check in here"

Lucy couldnt help but giggle at this and said "You never change bakaRo"


Natsu couldnt believe that even after the physical fight between his best bud Gajeel, the bluenette female, Levy didnt let him leave the Villa so now here he is laying down naked with Minerva laying on his chest naked as well with her sleeping.

He slid slowly away from the woman after few minutes and puts his robe on to wander outside the room as his mind drifted away from Minerva to Lucy as his chest starts to sting. "Why did you left, why did you show up when I i am trying to forget you?" He said whispering when he suddenly see a woman on an armchair with her laptop on her lap as a video plays on it, well more like a video call on progress of the woman he is trying to forget with the bride.

"Yes Im with Rouge, Ill come by tomorrow with him" hearing that words Him with His Lucy made his heart ache more causing him to act reckless like he always does and head to where his girlfriend is again.


Levy just left a sleeping Gajeel to answer a call on her laptop made by her bestfriend on the living room of the villa.

"Sorry earlier, I haven't told you that Natsu will be there, I feel guilty" she stated sincerely as the video call connected.

"Dont worry Lev, I am sorry too that I left, its just you know the situation halfly..." the blonde on the other line said as she frowns.

"Yeah, but now youre with Rouge right?" The bluenette said teasingly earning a giggle from Lucy as she replies gingerly to her question, both not knowing that theres a salmon haired male listening.

The two continued to talk for about two hours and then bid goodnights when Rouge appears behind Lucy with a bag of food.


Rouge smiles at Lucy as they settled down the sofa to eat silently when he finally breaks the silence with "So are you gonna tell me the problem Lulu?"


DISCLAIMER: Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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