In These Hearts

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Lucy arrives in the empty house smiling in relief of being alone since she needed time to figure out what is wrong with her. She enters her room and begins to strip to head to her bathroom for a long bath.


Meanwhile Levy and Gajeel are currently walking towards their houses since both are right beside each other "Bunnygirl is acting really weird Lev..." he breaks the silence making the other girl jump and blush at hearing what he usually calls her when theyre alone together "Tsundere" she mumbles in low voice as she really didnt hear the question earlier. "Did you say something? Did you hear my question?" He asked the first part even though he heard it and it made him draw back a little "Knowing her its its something to do with the salmon haired idiot" the man beside her nods at her response and said "I think theyre attracted to each other more than brother and sister" he stated making Levy stop on her tracks " I thought its just me but yes If not more than that I think Luchan is in love with Natsu and he well I feel sorry for Luchan..." she sobs with her teary eyes making Gajeel hug her and say "We cant do a thing Levy, they need to do what they think is best..." they stayed like that for a while and then continued their path to the homes they live in.


Natsu couldnt function the whole time with the class not only is Lisanna trying to get him alone and have sex like they usually do but also at how Lucy reacted earlier to him. Fast forward, now he and Lisanna are at the park with him deep in her pussy while pounding her behind a tree as well as they are trying to keep their voices low despite being with her the blonde haired girl keeps on appearing in his vision with her teary eyes finally the woman cums and he just couldnt so he pulled out and fixed his clothes as she did as well "What the fuck Natsu why didnt you cum whats wrong with you?!" She yelled at him as their clothes are in place annoyed at her boyfriend. "Sorry Lis I just have too much in my mind, I think Ill take you home and Ill go home too" he said with his eyes staring down on the ground making her furious and said "No Natsu Im going alone and Ill see you tomorrow so better be straighten out by that time!" She stormed away leaving him as he sighs and ruffle his hair, he then begins to walk to his home with the intend of talking to Lucy when he gets there.


Igneel and Layla came home with a blank look on their faces noting that only Lucy's shoes were there and called out to her as she dashes to them "Yes mama, pops?" She questioned. Igneel gestured for them to sit down the sofa as they did "Whats going on?" She asked by this time with a worried face "Lucy dear you know we have your Aunt Anna still in America right?" The older blonde asked her "Well , yes and we havent visited her for a while..." "Im dying" Layla bluntly said "What?" Lucy asked shocked by this time Igneel holds his wife and kissed her forehead as she now continued to explain with Layla sobbing and shaking already "Lucy hun, I know youve been using Dragneel as your last name for the last few years but I haven't fully adopted you and all but you know you are always welcome here my dear sweet Lucy but its your choice... Your mother has a heart problem remember?" She nods as he continues "It has gotten worst and all it is now terminal and the attacks had been worst lately but we havent told you or Natsu because we thought it wasnt this bad but it is... so Lucy hun you can make your decision to stay here with everything thats happening and even if Layla is gone or leave now or after she is gone." He asked worriedly with Layla speaking again "Lucy baby I love you, Im sorry that this happened and Im leaving you so soon" she is holding her hands by this time when the younger girl stand up and yelled " Youre both lying!" With tears in her eyes, she runs to the stairs not bothering to apologize to someone she bumped and slammed her door shut when she finally entered her room.


Natsu just gotten home and finally locked the door when someone bumped into him, its Lucy but wait tears were falling from her eyes , he tried to grab her to ask whats wrong but she was fast and so he did what the second best to do go to the living room where she was moments ago. He sees his dad and step mom hugging while both had tears in their eyes as he asked "What happened?" "I think its best if Lucy tells you it not us right now because Layla is quite tired so you can order take outs or something, we have to go rest" Igneel.left with Layla in his arms making the boy stare at them confusedly but realize its best to stay silent for now maybe after shower he could ask Lucy since they both could stay up because its Saturday the next day.


DISCLAIMER: Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail.

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