To Love Is To Be In Pain

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Lucy couldnt believe it that she actually fell asleep while thinking and now she is almost late for, wait its weekend. Feeling awkward as it is she tried to get up but couldnt as the pain struct her and she realized that its true everything that happened last night as a blush appears on her cheeks then she remembered how Natsu had called Lisanna when they cummed together making her sad she then remembers that she hadnt taken precautions before the sexual intimacy they did. She bolted and silently dressed up as she hurriedly went out of the house carefully ,thinking that Natsu had still been sleeping, to go to the pharmacy market for the medicine to prevent pregnancy if she ever has been fertile last night.


Natsu had only slept for an hour as he stand up only to see a blood spot on his bed making him cup his face as he mumbles "What have I done... Luce" he then decided to gear up for a quick jog only to get a call from his girlfriend making him frown but answered it anyways "Yes, Lisanna..." guilt comes up on his chest as the woman on the other line said "I want to meet up with you right now. I cant sleep and all. Ill see you near the park at 10th street." "Okay" was his reply as he walks to the place.


Lucy searched up her phone for a 24hour pharmacy and had found it only a few blocks from the house on 10th street. She got the medicine and is about to head back to the house only to catch a sight of two people.One of them with white short haired and one with salmon hair "Lisanna, Natsu...". It hurts her to see them together but what shattered her the most is when he grab the girl by the shoulders and kisses her fully with the girl kissing back fully and thats all she needed as she hurriedly runs with the bag on her hands away from it all.


Lucy arrives at the empty house with her being already tired emotionally and physically making her sighs as she then drank her morning after pills. She then calls her mom who immediately answered but a male voice had spoken "Hello hun" Igneel said making her shiver as she thought of Natsu and her resolve have been more solid for his sake as well as happiness. "Im going as soon as possible.." the other replied but all she cares right now is to pack so she said "Later I will be at airport and by tonight I want to be at Auntie Annas'.." she then hangs up and start packing without further a due.


Lisanna had been so emotionally unstable when they met at the park and Natsu didnt know what to do so he did what he do to shut her up. He grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her deeply which the girl kisses back passionately and when they broke up the kiss, he did not realize anything happening behind them, then she said "Lets have sex and if you decided to break up still just tell me on Monday in the campus." "Why Monday???" He asked annoyed as to why that long when he already know that he plans to make it right for Lucy. "Please Natsu..." the girl in front of him begged as he sighs and said "Fine"


Natsu had finally woken up after the nap he had as a result of two hours of intimacy between him and Lisanna, who still clungs to him through her sleep and then he looked up only to gasp in annoyance as it appears to be nine in the evening already and he had to face palm his ownself for only noticing now that the darkness had shed the whole room and he separted himself from the woman as he dressed up then call a cab to head home worried that Lucy may have been overthinking like when they were younger, this made him smile as he remembers those memories.


Lucy had just dressed up for bed as she is now laying down when it hit her situation and this made her sob to no end. She is now here on her aunts' house alone hurt inside and out because her mom is dying and her heart is broken by a man she never thought she'll fall in love with. As the thought keeps bothering her she slowly closed her brown doe eyes and had fallen asleep.


Natsu arrives in the house by 10 at night only to be welcomed by silence and it stunned him only to see a cellphone on the counter in the kitchen as well as a note beside it making him shake in worriedness as he read it silently.

"Dearest Natsu,
Im sorry that i didnt have a heart to tell this in person but I think last night was a mistake.. I know you love Lisanna not me so I want you to be happy. I am leaving not becoz of you or anyone else but as you know mom is sick and she might die so I decided to accept an offer made by our parents. Please dont look for me just enjoy your love and time with Lisanna.


This stunned him more and he crumpled the letter, hurt more than ever. He then messaged Lisanna thinking that it will help his pain with the sentence. " Lets go somewhere tomorrow, I want us to work out."



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