The Heart Of The Past

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Rouge touches Lucy's tear stained face gently as he remembers who the blonde is and asks "Why are you crying?"

Lucy sobs heavily but said in between them the sentence "I wish to have died as well"

The man is shock but didnt speak instead he did what any other person, who feels connected to the person theyre with, would do and that is to hug the female in a caring embrace as the raven haired man remembers the past memories she had with him, Gajeel, and Levy.


Gajeel had been sparring with Rouge for the final practice of the latter male as he will be facing another contender tomorrow evening.

"Sensei, thank you for teaching me like always!" Rouge said quite energetically

"Rouge stop calling me sensei, call me Master" the taller male smirk at him as he blushes a bit.

"Master, my ass" a female voice resonates from behind them.

Both of the males look at their back and thats when Rouge saw the blonde female goddess.

"Hey shrimp and bunnygirl" Gajeel said at the bluenette and blonde haired females.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT GAJEEL!" Levy yelled and then hit the said male with a rolled up folder.

Lucy stared at the duo laughing her ass off not noticing the other male who's been looking at her with a grin.

"Why are you hitting me Shrimp?!" The long black haired male shriek

"Guys will you stop the noises youre making" one of the owners of the kickboxing gym warn them making the duo silent and thats when Gajeel whistle at what he saw; Rouge eyeing Lucy.

"Ahem, this is Rouge, my apprentice" Gajeel had gone near them by this time breaking the silence among the duo as Levy raised her left eyerbrow at what Gajeel did.

"Hi my name is Rouge Chenney" the shorter dark haired male said as he holds the stunned Lucy.

The blonde haired girl widens her eyes as the man beside her grabs her hand and introduces himself as she said excitedly "Rouge from the new launched band, Twin slayers?!"

"Uh oh yes thats me and my half brother Sting." He said without looking away from her doe brown eyes making the girl blush and shy away.


That was one of the moments Rouge had treasured in his life because after few months of know the 13 year old Lucy, his family had to moved away.

"Shhh, Lulu everything will be okay" he said calmly to the woman in his arms.

"Rouge, please take me somewhere for now ,at least for now..." she said as she looks deeply in his eyes.


Levy had run off to where Lucy was headed and stopped midway as he realize who was the duo in a deep embrace was "Rouge.. Luchan" she whispered and decided to not break whatever bond they are having right now because they did have it before the said male left because even if Lucy had said that he was like her older brother, she knows that the male didnt feel the same as her bestfriend.

The words that Lucy had said next made Levy hope that all the pain that Natsu had inflicted over the blonde will go away and she did what any bestfriend would do, cheer them on silently behind a wooden wall as the couple leave to where they will go.


Rouge nods to Lucys' wishes and said "Okay, Lulu I will" the two of them left not realizing the Levys' presence.


Natsu grumpily headed to where Minerva was taken by Gajeel when the latter man stops him and said "Whats gotten with you Natsu?"

"Whats gotten to me? Maybe its more of whats gotten into you Gajeel! Im your bestman and I didnt even know that its Lucy, my Lucy who will be the made of honor?!" He said glaring at the dark haired man

"She is your step sister Natsu, she left and now shes back, dont call her yours if its crossing the boundaries of family because even if I dont know what exactly happened between you and her, whatever it is your relationship was is gone already and Minerva is your girlfriend so get over it" the male responded at the salmon haired male.

Thats when the shorter male fist punch the taller male "She left me and you dont need to know anything because nothing was between us!" Natsu yelled as the two start punching each other in anger. One for being left behind and the other for his lovers' agonizing cries when her bestfriend left.

Few moments pasts before maids and guards along with Minerva had surrounded them and tries to break the fight.

"Stop it guys, please stop! Whats gotten in both of you" The dark haired female yelled with her eyes beginning to water.

The two males stay silent with both glaring at each other and thats when Levy finally reach the area, as she pants from running to the place.

"Stop it both! You are both adult also no, you cant quit being the bestman so both of you fix the friendship and no matter what this wedding will be held with "ALL" of us!" The bluenette stated confidently with the knowledge that Lucy will be there at all cost and whatever the real reason for her leaving the place will be fixed in no time like with Gajeel and Natsu who by this time had calmed down.


DISCLAIMER: Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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