The Sad News

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Two years had past by slowly.

Gajeel and Levy is now pregnant with their second child, hoping that it will be a female this time.

Minerva and Rufus had finally tied the knot three months ago and now trying to make a third member for their family.

Sting had started going steady with a girl he met online six months ago.

Lisanna and Bickslow had welcomed Lillianas' little brother a month ago.

So far everything is good for almost everyone.


Rouge had been dating Juvia for the past year while staying in contact with his now good friend Lucy, so he emailed her when he had proposed to the woman a year ago.

"Juvia, my love lets go to Lucy for a visit next month?" He asks when the woman yells

"Oh my god Rouge, we have to go sooner than that! Igneel, Igneel he died..." the male immediately runs to her and reads the article on the laptop.


Natsu had finally straighten his life in the past year. He is currently with Lilliana for a vacation in a beach resort.

"Lilliana dont go too far!" He yells as the growing girl smiles at him. His phone then rings.

"Yes, hello, yes Im Natsu Dragneel, what? Wait thats a lie! My dad cant just die, he never said that he had cancer! This cant be" he hungs up as he started to cry hard.

Lilliana runs to his dad as soon as she see him crying again "daddy, daddy whats wrong?!" She shrieks but the salmon haired just hugs her and she hugs him back.


Lucy is currently on a board meeting with her pregnant secretary Yukino when suddenly her personal phone rings so she excuses herself and goes out the room.

"Hello, yes this is her, um okay, what do you need?" Silence can be heard then she yells making Yukino rush outside the meeting room. "NO THAT CANT BE THAT CANT BE TRUE, NO NO I DONT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU,LI--" she didnt get to finish her sentence as she slowly falls down the floor and becomes unconscious, on an instinct the pregnant secretary catches her head before it hits the cold floor and yells for help.


Natsu and Lilliana are on the private jet that the salmon haired man owns when his phones ring and he solemnly answers it "Yes, Lisanna, I was about to call you anyway can I leave Lilliana with you for now? Thank you,Ill explain now to her..." he hangs up and looks at his cheerful daughter who is silently reading her book.

"Lilliana dear come here" the child walks towards him and sits on a chair beside him "I know youre a smart girl and i hope you understand" the girl is being hug by her dad this time and she pushes him "Why are you leaving me with mom this time? Why cant you marry and we can be more family that them, I want to be with daddy!" She is now tearing up and this made the male kiss her forehead "Im sorry but daddy really loves you sweetheart, it just dad, your grandpa had gone up to heaven and I need to fix things for now" this shocks the girl and hugs him tight "I understand daddy, I didnt know grampy is in heaven, but i had a dream last night, so thats why he said to push your dad to find his happiness... like what Minerva said, daddy we want you happy so until that time, I understand if i still have to be with mommy" this warms Natsu alot and they stayed close to each other until she is dropped off with Lisanna, Bickslow, and the little half brother of hers.


Lucy opens her eyes and is welcomed by the white ceiling, she recognizes it and she looks at the medical equipments that are stuck on her arms "Why am I here?" She asks as she sees a very much pregnant Yukino beside her and the girl cries as she hugs the blonde "I was so worried! You passed out so I took you in the hospital! The doctor says that you have been under so much stress lately and thats why you passed out! Dont scare me like this anymore Luluchan! Even mamita was ready to leave her business dealings in Lithium to come here but i told her that Ill take care of you so she calmed down" the blonde girl hugs the sobbing girl and said "Im so sorry, I didnt mean too... it just my step dad died and I felt i felt heartbroken all over again" "I understand, I heard it from Rouge and Juvia, they called earlier and said that theyll come here two days from now and if you will go to Fiore that theyll come with you to make sure that youre going to be okay." The white short haired girl explains. "I see.." she says and then yawns again as some medicine that are being pushed in her body takes effect again and she slowly falls asleep again.


DISCLAIMER Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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