Forbidden Night (Lemon/Smut scene)

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Lucy laid on her bed crying as someone knocked on her door "Luce I ordered some food lets eat" Its Natsu. "Go away Natsu I am not hungry" she said as she heard a sigh from the door but he left her alone to her torturing sobs.


After eating his food Natsu cleaned up his mess ,took a quick shower and then sleep forgetting to close his door and leaving it slightly ajar.


Its 3AM and she wakes up to her stomach grumbling so she stands up and headed to the door but she didnt expect to see the door of her idiotic step brother of hers to be open at the mention of "brother" in her brain she didnt know why but it felt so wrong, without her knowing she had gotten near him beside his bed making her blush at seeing his cute face illuminated by the moon light without thinking she leaned in and kiss him on the lips, a peck but Natsu opened his eyes and on the instinct threw the person underneath him encasing the being and with both wide eyes he said "Lu-luce??" Confusion mixed with something unreadable emotion is seen in his eyes as she said "I im sorry I dont know what gotten into me, i didnt mean to... Just we can for-" she didnt get to finished her sentence as Natsu kissed her again this time deeply as he is experienced than her and Lucy just followed. Within a second the two are down on their undergarments "Natsu" she moans his name and thats when all hell broke loose the boy harshly tears both of their undergarments off as his member gets harder from Lucy's sweet voice and then he kisses her again. Lucy dont know what to do its all so fast but she loves Natsu. She now realized it. "I love you Natsu" they stared at each others eyes for a moment until they start kissing again. The kiss gets more heated as he massaged her breasts with his calloused hands and pinch her nipples making her moan loudly making him smirk. Lucy hold his cock with her bare hand earning a moan from the male which made her blushed then thought about the books Erza, her older cousin had as she follow what is in it "Yes Luce goddamn so good more" he said encouraging her as Natsu begins to touch her hidden treasure massaging her pussy and pinching her clit making her moan and tighten the hold on his throbbing member looking at her she smiled at him and said "Lucy are you sure about what were doing right now?" She nodded but then asked "Do you love me???" Natsu looked away not knowing how to answer making her heart throb but she made her decision right there right then when Natsu mumbles "I dont know, I love you coz youre my sister, but Im confuse of this emotion aside from that becoz Im confuse between you and Oh god Lisanna I for-" Lucy couldnt take it and in one selfish moment she did what she wants to kissed him and letting him forget the situation for a moment "I know , I know you love her so I wont ask you to love me more than what you said... but I want to to give away my virginity to the person im in love with so please make me yours even just this once..." she said with unshed tears and he complied as he continued to slowly make love to her. "Natsu" she moaned as he is now sheathed deep in her pussy making her yelp in pain because of how big he is and he kissed her to ease the pain "You can move now" she said eventually but Natsu is in deep thought as he is making love with her that he couldnt even respond to her words all he was feeling is confusion and somewhat love , he just dont know what type of love he feels right now making him frustrated as he start thrusting fast and hard in and out of her. "Im cumming!" The woman underneath him yelled as he is also closing in his release and when he was about to an image came into his mind "Lisanna!" He yelled at his release hurting the feelings of the girl he made love with but he was too exhausted emotionally and physically to realized what he just said because in actually he didnt mean to say her name but he felt guilty for her and for taking advantage of Lucy's love...He is in a big mess and with that thought he fell asleep.


After a while of cumming with Natsu, Lucy is still speechless and broken but she couldnt cry or anything because she did this to herself so she pushed herself away from the sleeping male as she crawled to get her shattered clothes and walk away limping from being sore, hunger already forgotten. That night she couldnt really sleep again instead she is in between wanting to take upon the offer of leaving the place or staying but decided to hold up on it for now and see what happens next.


DISCLAIMER: Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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