Bestfriends Wedding

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The priest asks both the groom and the bride to say their originally written vows after they both had said yes into taking each other for the good and the bad time.

Gajeel is the first one to states his vows. "I,Gajeel Redfox promises not to only take you, Levy Mcgarden as my wife also as my partner, my soul mate and my eternal lover. I know im not that good at showing my feelings for you but believe me when i say that you are the only woman i ever looked at ever since i lay my eyes on you. I teased you alot, and sometimes im a jackass to you because I cant bare to see you remembering the others much more than me, i want to mark my territory and when Lucy, no offense" he looks at the blonde girl who smiles at him halfly and he continues "when she left, i saw the chance to be the one you call bestfriend, I know i cant take the place of her since shes like a sister to both of us but i can be more and here we are. I love you Levy so much" he holds her cheeks this time lovingly as she wipes her tears upon hearing his vows.

Levy stops sobbing as the mic is on her hands and immediately says her vows while looking at Gajeel lovingly " I,Levy Mcgarden cherished the moments i have with you Gajeel Redfox and always will, I am so in love with you, you just never knew it or saw it. I guess we are all idiots" she looks at the others for a moment feeling the tenseness of the people around her and then continues "I was so mad at you almost always when we were younger coz I thought that youll never see me as more than a friend because not only am i younger than you but we grew up together and then highschool came, i had to step up my game and Lucy helped me with the teasing and all, but she left I was heartbroken. You seemed to be more friendly to others by this time as well as with me but other girls were always with you, I was jealous, I dont know what to do, and so I kissed you and you kissed back. The rest is history as we say, thank you Gajeel for everything and for putting up with my emotional stupidity sometimes well aloth of times and I am honored that you will be the father of my children and your wife" she said tearfully as the father then announced "You may kiss the bride" the two kiss passionately then the priest anounced "Lets welcome, Mister and Missis Redfox"


The reception is beautiful with alot of metallic designs. Lucy is seated on the first table with Minerva, Natsu, Rouge, Sting, Rufus and two more other females. The five of them were silent while the blonde haired male is openly flirting with the other two females. "Im going to the restroom" Minerva whispers to Natsu but the others heard it and the male nodded at her not noticing the other seater who silently followed the dark haired beauty.


Levy and Gajeel were making a round to the tables to greet them when a small girl runs to her and hugs her tummy "Auntie Levy, Auntie Levy Im glad mommy and step dad made it here with me" the blue hared female recognized her and said "Lilliana" "uhuh, and mommy and stepdad too" she pointed at the female who had short white hair in her red alluring dress hand in hand with the dark haired male on his tuxedo "Hi Levy, im glad we arrive before everything is finished, sorry were late" she said as she got near and smiles sweetly in a kinder way. She had changed ever since marrying Bickslow and having a child. "So glad you could come, go in and Lilliana daddy is on table number one" "Okay" the girl rushed to Natsu. "She sure is energetic" Bickslow said as he puts his arms around her wife. The couple smile to each other as the wife says "Well its been weeks since he saw her dad" the duo along with Levy chatted a bit then separate their ways in the party.


DISCLAIMER Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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