The Wedding Of Our Forevermore

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Two more years had passed since that engagement and also the celebration. Right now everyone is busy because it is the wedding day for Natsu and Lucy.

Lucy is currently being helped by a very pregnant Levy, her matron of honor and an engaged Yukino, her maiden of honor as she finishes the last touches of her wedding attire.

"Im so happy for you Luchan!" The short girl said excitedly

"I am too, you're marrying your first love its so sweet" Yukino added

A knock is heard from the door and Anna enters with a box on her hands as she hands it to Lucy while she says "This is your true physical inheritance from your mother Lu, Igneel had to lie so that you and Natsu could both find your happiness before its too late..." shw opens it with teary eyes and sees that it is a wedding tiara, she smiles and puts it on her for the finishing touches as she then sees a small not in the box and reads it.

"To my one and only daughter, may you marry your one true love, while wearing this on your wedding" she had to hold onto the chair for support as she tears up but refused to cry because Levy and Yukino will kill her if she destroys her perfect make up.


Natsu is already dressed up and anxiously waiting for the bridesmaids and his bride with his two bestmen, Gajeel and Rouge. "Where the hell are they?" The salmon haired commented. "Just wait" his married ex rival said while Gajeel stayed silent and thats when the music starts to play.

"Too many billion people running around the planet
What is the chance in heaven that you'd find your way to me
Tell me what is this sweet sensation
It's a miracle that happened
Though I search for an explanation"

The flower girl Lilliana leads the beginning of the wedding opening. She gracefully walks the aisle as she throws petals on the floor.

"Only one thing it could be
That I was born for you
It was written in the stars
Yes, I was born for you
And the choice was never ours
It's as if the powers of the universe
Conspired to make you mine until the day I die I bless the day that I was born for you"

All the brides maid are on the altar. It is now the maiden of honor, Yukino, she smiles widely as she walks the aisle cheerfully imagining how her wedding will be.

"Too many foolish people try to come between us
None of them seem to matter when I look into your eyes
Now I know why I belong here
In your arms I found the answer
Somehow nothing would seem so wrong here
If they'd only realize that
I was born for you and that you were born for me"

The pregnant matron of honor walks next as she and her husband Gajeel looks deeply in each others eyes with pure love which made Rouge and Natsu smile at them.

"And in this random world, this was clearly meant to be
What we have the world could never understand
Or ever take away until the day I die
I bless the day that I was born for you
What we have the world could never understand or ever take away
And as the years go by until the day I die
I bless the day that I was born for you"

The bride is now walking with Anna guiding her to the arms of her groom. She is now in tears like her mamita. Natsu couldn't see her face since she chose a thick veil but he feels warm inside as she walks nearer and nearer him then when the music is finished Anna handed her daughter like to Natsu with a warning and the younger female giggles at her protectiveness over her.

The ceremony started.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here in a joyous occasion of Miss Lucy Heartfilia's and Mister Natsu Dragneel's wedding." The priest announced he then proceeds to the ceremony.

"Will you Lucy Heartfilia, take Natsu Dragneel to be your husband, in sickness and in health, through poorness or richer, and till death do you part?" The priest then asks the female.

"I do take Natsu as my husband" she said shakily as she sobs in pure happiness under her veil.

"Will you Natsu Dragneel, take Lucy Heartfilia as your wife, in sickness and in health, through poorness or richer, and till death do you part?" He then asks the male.

"I definitely do father" he answers the priest happily as the priest nods.

"You may now recite your personal vows to each other." The priest now says.

Natsu had taken the initiative and says his first " I Natsu Dragneel, take you my sweet Lucy Heartfilia to be my wife, mate and the mother of my future additional kids" he winks at Lilliana and then looks at Lucy again as he continues " I know, Ive hurt you alot and I cant promise that I wont in the future because being in pain and hurt is part of loving someone Luce, but i can promise you that no matter what I will love you eternally and will never leave you Forevermore. I am in love with you Lucy." He is now hugging her this time and then he lets her go as she is now to recite her vows but what shocks him is what she did next.

Lucy walks away from Natsu and nears where Lilliana is. She goes on her knees and holds her tiny hands in hers as she recites her vows. "I Lucy Heartfilia will not only take Natsu Dragneel as my husband but also as a second mother to you, Lilliana Strauss Dragneel. I cant promise you that Ill replace your moms' in your dads life because no matter what she is your mom and will always be" she looks at Lisanna for a moment as they smile to each other then looks at the child again as she continues her vows. "But what I can promise is a love not only for your dad but for you my sweet one, I will love you for eternity as my own." She then stands up and takes the child by her hand to stand beside Natsu as the all are together while she continues her vows this time to the male "Natsu I know Ive let my emotions get in between us all the time because i was insecure and a part of the pain we experienced had been my fault, I am deeply sorry but know this that I never stopped loving you since we were in our younger years, I am in love with you and will always be" she wipes the tears that has leaked on the males' eyes as the three of them hugs each other.

"You may kiss the bride" the priest interupts as almost everyone are in tears from the sweetness of the vows the couple had.

Natsu lifts Lucys' veil to reveal her glowing beauty. Without second thoughts, he kisses her and she kisses him back while Lilliana steps back to return to her seat.

"Lets welcome, Mister and Missis Heartfilia-Dragneel" the priest announces cheerfully.

Everyone cheers as they all departs for the reception and for a brighter future.


DISCLAIMER Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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