Mistakes Makes Us Human

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Lilliana immediately finds her dad and rushes to her as she bumps into a female who had immediately stands up from her sit "Ouch" the little girl said as the woman holds her "Sorry" her blonde hair cascaded on her shoulders and the child said "An angel" Natsu recognizes his daughter rushes to her and bents down "What are you doing here sweetie?" "Daddy" Lucys' headache spreads and she almost slips on the ground as she heard what the young girl said but another man catches her and asks "Lulu, are you okay?" Rouge is worried for the woman as he glares at Natsu, who is also standing this time, worried for Lucy but Lilliana didnt let go of his hand so he stayed silent as the dark haired man made the blonde girl sit on her seat. "Ill get some water" she nods as the man leaves, leaving her, Natsu, and the child. The salmon haired male sits beside her with Lilliana on his lap "Are you okay Miss Angel?" The girl asks to Lucy as she breaks the silence between them "Im okay, whats your name?" She smiles forcefully at the child "Im Lilliana" the child has Natsus' smile and it clenches her heart. "Im Lucy.." she said before the girl could ask not daring to look at Natsu while he observes her "Are you and daddy dating? I dont like Minerva so Im glad daddy is dating an angel now" before either of them could respond a familiar woman with another man beside her arrives "There you both are! Oh, Lucy" she hugs the blonde girl tightly while the girl gives her a hesitant embrace "Lisanna, you have gotten more pretty" she sounded robotic but she couldnt help it but the woman didnt give any sign that she hold bitterness to her unlike herself. "Well yeah, Im married now" she holds the other man's hand beside her and introduces him to her "This is Bickslow, my husband." They chatted about the whole story and the failed relationship between Natsu and her but Lucy just wished that Rouge would come to her rescue but so far he isnt here!


Rouge had gone to quickly get some water when his brother suddenly stumbles towards him with the two girls "Rouge, come lets go to the rooms!" He winks at him but he frowns at him in return "Ill just assist you to the room after, I give Lucy her drink" he is about to pick the glass but Sting interrupts him as he states "Lucy will never look at you the way she looks at Natsu and will never will , shes in love with him not you!" He says and thats when all hell breaks and he punches his brother.


Minerva just comes out of the bathroom when suddenly hands grab her by her arms and leads her on the shady area away from the crowd "What are you doing?!" She shrieks as they stop by the palm tree "Minerva, why are you here?" "Its my cousins wedding, Rufus" she stated coolly as he then starts to shake violently "I didnt know, if I known I wouldnt take this job, because I cant bare to see you!" He yells as the woman steps in front of him and slaps him hard "I dont want to see you too, I wish I never met you, i wish i never had love you , and that i never hurt you because a part of me died that day as well!!" She screams and then he is on her as he tackles her to the ground and kisses her fervently and she kisses back both too emotional to care and then they stop as he asks "I still love you baby, tell me you do love me too" thats when she puts her hand on his tear stained cheek and the ring had lit and she mumbles "I cant im engaged and so we cant but can you make love to me for now?" She begs him to make her feel loved fully not like with Natsu, when suddenly noises can be heard as they suddenly tears apart and they rushes to the horrible scene.


Rouge and Sting had been blooded by their own blood as they punch each other not caring that they are destroying the reception when Gajeel grabs Rouge by the arms and a security guard on Sting "Take that back!" The dark haired male yells "No i aint shit that girl is not for you!" The blonde male replies "What are you doing to my wedding reception?!" Levy screech as Gajeel interrupts with Rouge in his grip "Stop this you two, youre brothers you cant go on like this fix what you dont want to break in the end" he calmly said by this time Lucy appears with Natsu beside her as she yells "What are you both doing what is wrong with you?!" This time Sting yells at her "Stupid Bitch, its your damn fault, you know youll never love Rouge at all like you do another yet youre making him like a fool!!" She flinch at this and the dark haired man is ready to pounced on his brother again when Rufus speaks up "Its not anyones' fault if they love a wrong person, so Sting stop it, you too Rouge, because I can tell that youre in denial, am I right? And you Miss Heartfillia, be true to your feelings." He says to them and this calms the boys while Lucy runs away from them while a person follows her and Minerva holds Rufus arms with a sad smile.


DISCLAIMER Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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