Ten Years Of Changes

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Lucy hugged Yukino as well as her auntie Anna to bid farewell for now, since shes leaving for Fiore in few minutes. "Take care Lucy baby" the auntie who she had live with for the past decade had tears in her eyes because for the first time in these years, the younger blonde will be leaving her side for quite longer time making her heart ache since she thinks of Lucy as her daugher as well as her only niece, hell they all look almost like triplets! "Mami Ill be okay. Ill call or message you when im there" she smiled at her second mother and then looked at the other girl who is still upset that she cant go to protect Lucy if ever she get hurt by the jerk,that the blonde had cried over about a million times when they were younger, but then she soften her express as the blonde touches her cheek and said "Dont worry Yuki, ill be fine remember you thought me how to be stronger emotionally so dont worry and please just take care of yourself, the company and mami" the girl nodded with tear falling down her eyes to cheek but wipes it immediately as she replies "Ffine but call me as well okay?" The blonde nodded and then walk away waving at them as she goes to the private plane courtesy of her aunt.


Natsu had been busy in his life, work and all during the past years. Once in a while Lucys' face would appear in his mind only to be followed by the words in her goodbye letter and thats the days when he would be so reckless leading to his main joy in his life a four year old daughter of his Liliana, despite him and Lisanna breaking up three years ago as well as her marrying a year ago she lets Natsu visit also take the girl with him in various occasion, which the girl had been thankful because she had been closed to him than her mother. He smiled at the girl as he watches her play with another kid making his mind drift to what happened years ago.


A few weeks since Lucy had left, his life had been in hell, as a hole in his heart had been burned and emptiness had been on him.

On the first couple years after Lucy left, he had tried to type a message for her online but deleted it just before he send it , either because hes with Lisanna, or in a inappropriate place, or he just felt wronged and to stubborn to do it.

On the third year his relationship with Lisanna had been rocky to the point that they named their relationship as open one and they both had started sleeping with other people, him mainly with blondes who remind him of Lucy causing him to break it off with Lisanna.

On the fourth year things had been blurred, he slept freely with anyone just to fulfil his hunger for someone he couldnt have.

On the fifth year he came into terms with his life and met with Lisanna for a reunion which led to a romantic evening and that led to her pregnancy, which Natsu thought will make everything okay by this time as they got engaged.

On the sixth year, everything wasnt that bad, they had Liliana to take care of. Igneel was ecstatic and had contacted Lucy but she had refused to answer. He told that to Natsu and thats what the mistake was he slipped and had affair under Lisannas nose which he didnt think she'll know

The seventh year is when the duo had broken it off completely. Both had no hard feelings just regret of having to put a child in a broken family situation.

After a year Lisanna had moved for her work leaving Liliana with Natsu while he works with his dad in the company they owned making it hard for him, but worth while as it helps him provide better for his daughter.

By next year Lisanna had returned with a big surprise,a sparkling wedding ring as she explains that she eloped with a man he had been talking to for a year now, which took Natsu a back but he congratulated her while he announced that he had been dating a girl for six months already.


The salmon haired man was brought back to present when a woman with long midnight blue hair taps his shoulder "Minerva, baby, what wrong?" "Nothing, I just got the invitation of my cousins' wedding" she says nonchalantly "Oh from Gajeel huh, its been three months since we saw them right?" He questions "Yup time to go back to Fiore" she states to him as he nods in agreement, since he will take Liliana for about a year with him, while Lisanna and Bickslow are on a business trip.

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