Yes To You

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Rouge looks at the blonde goddess in front of him and takes a deep breath.

"I left because my father and mother died...It was so fast, one moment theyre there then next they died in an accident... So I had to come with my relatives along with Sting immediately.... I didnt get to say goodbye to you because I feel like I wont be able to leave you at all" the male hold his face sobbing on his hands as he confessed everything " I would have stayed, I really would have but I have my younger brother, Sting even if hes just two years younger, I still need to look after him, Im sorry I hurt you Lulu, Im really sorry." He looks up at her by this time with tearing eyes.

Lucy feels her heart warms at the truthness of his story. She instictly did what she feels right to do and that is to hug him tightly. "Im so sorry Ro, I am really, I didnt know that is how hard for you to leave me" by now the blonde woman is sobbing as well. "I was so hurt and a part of my heart died when you left me, but thats in the past. Now youre here, we can make everything better than before so please dont carry everything on your own anymore" they stayed like that for a while.


Natsu couldnt sleep no matter how much he tried. All he could picture in his brain is the blonde haired woman in the arms of another man and he couldnt help but growl quite loud, waking up the woman in his arms "Whats wrong baby?" She asks sleepily. "Nothing, I think I need some fresh air" he separates from the woman as he grabs his robe and heads to their balcony to cool off, only to get a cigarette from his pocket.
He is smoking the cigarette when the woman he left in the bed area stands beside him and takes the cigarettes for herself. "I thought were quitting smoking,Natsu?" She asked as she smokes one of it. "Im just stressed out Minnie" he said truthfully as he smokes another puff on his cigarette "Oh, did you sleep with that blonde Lucy girl?" The salmon haired male choke on his saliva as the dark haired female ask the forbidden question "I see, you did huh, even though youre step siblings?" Natsu couldnt believe how accurate this Minerva woman hes engage with is, as amazed and annoyed he is, all he could do is nod to all of it. "Should I be worried?" The woman frowned at him. Natsu couldnt help but smile at the innocently insecured look she has on her matured face "No you shouldnt because youre my present babe" he caringly said to her. The duo hugs with the males' last thought of "Lucy is my what exactly?"


Lucy is currently cuddling a half asleep Rouge when the male suddenly asks "Lucy, i know that youre still hurting from Natsus' doing but will you give me chance to heal you and be my girlfriend?" He stated seriously. "Rouge, you already said im not healed from the wounds that Natsu gave me, so I dont think its right to" he didnt let her finish her words as he put a finger on her lips and then stated "If its you Lulu, i wouldnt mind getting hurt if its for you, because youre worth it all" he kissed her forehead making her warm inside out as she then said "Lets give it a try then" as she tells this, the male hugs her tightly and says "I love you Lucy Heartfilia" then kisses her gently.


Natsu is cuddling Minerva as he drifts to a memorable sleep starring him and the blonde woman.



Fairy Tail : MEANT TO BE WITH YOU ONII-SAN ((AU NALU))Where stories live. Discover now