Let Me Forget

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Lucy had just gotten home with Rouge and now they are currently silent until the female breaks the silence. "Why did you lie why did you protect me?" She asks the male shakily. The male couldnt help but smile as he kneel down in front of Lucy and said "Because youre my girl and I will protect you through it all because I am in love with you Lucy Heartfilia" by this time his hands had been on her rosy cheeks. The blonde couldnt control it anymore as she sobs and then kisses him hard on his lips then burst out as she said "Make me forget this , him let me only love you, please Rogue, show me, love me" she mumbles while crying and looking directly on his eyes. "Lulu, I i" he couldnt respond at her implication of sexual intimacy but her eyes are hypnotic and his mind had been set "I will, I am in love with you" with that he kisses Lucy.


The bride and groom had separated with the other couple as soon as they reach the villa. Right now they are silently drinking some wine with each other under a soft blanket in the sofa on the covered porch when Levy said "Im happy that Luchan is already with Rouge but something is fishy" the male kisses her forehead and said "Levy, lets not get in between but all i can say is those four are stupid." Gajeel holds her while the woman frown at this but didnt commented on his statement.


As soon as Natsu and Minerva enters their bedroom the woman asked "Natsu, tell me, are you marrying me as a revenge for Lucy leaving you or do you love me , for me?" Her voice is pleading with doubtness in it about their relationship which made Natsu frown at her and said "Stop it Minerva, are you crazy? Im marrying you okay so stop being hardheaded, goodness!" He stormed in the bathroom leaving a now sobbing dark haired woman.

The kissed between Rouge and Lucy intensified as they now reach the bedroom with the male loosing all his clothes as well as the female. They kissed his tongue played with hers as the woman grinds her hips on his making the male moan "Lucy ahhh god please let me enter you" he said breathlessly "Oh Rouge please I want you in me as well" she whispers on his ears as she bit his earlobe playfully and giggles. This is what the male have been waiting for and he takes the reign as he put Lucy on all fours and without further adue enters his cock in her pussy both gasp at this pleasure. "Lucy oh god your tight" "Rouge please move your hardness is making me crazy" the male obliged and start thrusting slowly and speeds up as time goes by.


Natsu had just gotten off the bathroom after taking a shower to cool off his head and sees that Minerva is packing her things "What are you doing?" He asked worriedly "Im leaving Natsu, I love you but I know you love another. I cant stand being number two" thinking that he will loose two woman in one night he did what he could "No i wont let you, I i want you, i need you please marry me Minerva" he holds her in his arms as he kisses her nape and massages her breasts "Ahhh Natsu, no please oh god" this turns her on immediately as she stradles him harshly on the bed and then takes of his towel as well as pushes her panty on the side to push his cock deeply in her wet pussy as both moan. "Ahhh ahhh ahhh god Natsu yes fine I i will marry me but, you will only love me no one else." The male didnt answer only moans at how wet and tight the female riding him "ahhh ahhh Minerva fuck so wet and tight" by this time both are sweating while having sex.

Rouge is currently cuddling Lucy while he is sleeping with a smile on his face. The woman on the other hand feels guilty as she saw Natsus face when she came earlier but had hold her tongue to only say Rouges' name on that moment "Im sorry, I know im using you but Ill eventually learn to love you because I have to." She mumbles as she slowly falls asleep with the dark haired male.


Natsu stands up after he made sure Minerva had fallen asleep from crying after they made up after a mind blowing sex. He sits on the sitting area on their room balcony while looking up at the sky. He thought to his self because even though hes with another girl and had proposed to this girl, he couldnt love her fully because after all this time hes in love with another. "Lucy" he mumbles softly.

DISCLAIMER Hiro Mashima owns Fairytail

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