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Baekhyun arrived at the scene with Sehun. Turns out that Sehun was told to solve this case as well. That kinda made Baekhyun upset, just kidding~

"Hyung!! Wait for meee!" Sehun shouted and quickly catch up to Baekhyun. Baekhyun looked around the amusement park carefully. "Just walk faster." he told the younger and walked to the crime scene.

"Ah! Detective Byun, Investigator Oh!" Officer Doh Kyungsoo ran up to Baekhyun and salute him.
"Ah hello, my dear penguin." Baekhyun joked and patted the other's shoulder.
Kyungsoo chuckled but quickly changed his facial expression to serious mode. "As you can see here," he showed Baekhyun the victim files, "5 people died in the same way, all shot in the head in the left. It happened at 11:20 am, 11:22 am inexact." Kyungsoo reported.

Baekhyun looked at victims, furrowed his brows looking at how young they are. One of the victims was only 25, the oldest being 28.

"So, are there any witnesses?" Baek asked.
"Yes, 3 of them. But, I don't know if any of them can help out..." Kyungsoo mumbled.
"What do you mean?" Sehun raised a brow.
Kyungsoo sighed. "Let me show you guys and you guys would get what I mean." He said, leading the two.

"Hehehe that tick-kles haha!"

Baekhyun and Sehun's mouth dropped when they saw the witnesses. They looked at the 2 kids attacking the other police officer, Kim Jongin.

"Pssstt, Jongin!" Kyungsoo said quietly to get Jongin's attention. The other male officer quickly stood up, picking up the 2 toddlers in both of his arms and bowed slightly. "Hello, Detective Byun. Hello, investigator Oh." He greeted.

"Hello~" The two greeted back. Baekhyun and Sehun finally get what Kyungsoo meant when they saw the toddlers.
"Uh, excuse me but I thought there were three. Is Jongin a witness too?" Sehun asked.

"Huh? What do you mean, there is thre- " Kyungsoo gasped.

"JONGIN, WHERE IS THE THIRD KID?!" Kyungsoo shouted in panic.

Jongin gasped loudly. "I just saw him next to me, where did he go?" He said, worried.

"Hyungie, Mr. Yoda told me that he went and find him! He didn't want to tell you because you were busy taking care of me and Chunghee." Jaehwa explained after he tucked on his shirt.

"M-mr. Yoda?"

Baekhyun heart sank a little, he looked at his ring.

"No way~ I already found my Yoda haha. Get yourself together Byun Baekhyun."

He shakes his head a little after talking to himself in his head.

"Then, I will go find him." Sehun suggested, raising his hand.

"No!" Baekhyun shouted.

Everyone turned to him, giving him a weird look.

He cleared his throat. "I mean, I will go. You guys just stay here. I will be right back with the officer and the kid." Baekhyun said seriously. He kneeled down to Jaehwa, smiled softly and patted his head.

"Jaehwa ya, can you tell me where did Mr.Yoda go?" He asked warmly.

Jaehwa nodded clumsily, smiling brightly. "Yesh, He went overrrrrr there, where the horror cave is at." He pointed.

"Ahhh that one?" He asked, pointing at the horror cave.

"Mhm! Hurry and find Jihyun and Mr. Yoda please, Mr. Detective." He bowed slightly and giggled sheepishly.

"Got it, Mr. Jaehwa!" He ruffled Jaehwa's soft hair before standing up. "I will be back guys!" He waved, running to the horror cave.

Baekhyun entered the cave, holding his phone out for flashlight.
"Hello? Jihyunn! Jihyun where are you?" Baekyun shouted, walking around. Being the scaredy cat he is, he flinched multiple times.

However, Baekhyun didn't give up. He continued searching for Jihyun and "Mr. Yoda" and tried to keep his head up. He couldn't deny that he was excited to see the Yoda. Just what if that officer is Baekhyun first crush/childhood best friend?

"Jihyun!! Can you hear me? AAAAAH!!!" he yelped. "Argh I hate these stupid fake ghosts," he glared at it. I should've let Sehun do this, aish..." He pouted.

45 minutes past by and he was feeling hopeless. His phone is almost dead, he couldn't stand properly. Baekhyun collapsed on the floor, bringing his knees together, afraid.
Then, he heard a soft singing. He quickily lifted his head up.

"Wow, what a beautiful, smooth voice~" he smiles, getting some hope. He followed the voice, it got louder as he walked and he smiled bigger as he went closer. Baekhyun tripped on something and yelled, he fall into a small hole.

"W-who are you?"

The singing stopped when the male asked who he was. He sat up as quickily as possible and massaged his head softly.

"Huh?" Baekhyun flashed his light at the male. He gasped, looking at him.

"M-mr. Yoda?"


Hiiii guys!! I am finally back with another chapter! Wow Mr. Yoda has finally showed himself -3-. Thank y'all for supporting ❤️❤️

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