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"Ahhhh~ I'm finally home." Jongin sighed in relief as he walked into the dorm. Then, Mongryong ran up to him, wagging his tail excitedly to see him.

"Aigoo, our Mongryong~" he cooed as he cupped the animal's face. "Did you miss me?" He smiled.

"Don't be too attached to him, Jongin, h is not our pet." Kyungsoo sighed, walking in as while following by Chanyeol. They just got off from work and it was quite late. "How long are we going to have him anyways?"

Chanyeol shrugged. "I'm not sure. I don't have his phone number so I can't contact him either."

"How about we pay a visit to the Han River Crime department?" Jongin suggested as Chanyeol took off his shoes.

"That sounds good," Kyungsoo said, Chanyeol nodded in agreement. The three put up their police hats on the wooden counter and walked in the dorm.

"But, I don't wanna give Mongryong back to Detective Byun," Jongin frowned, "he is so cute."

"Just like his owner." Chen interpreted in their conversation. He smirked softly and looked over at the 3 officers.

"Can you shut up already?" Chanyeol glared at him. "You really changed, Chen. What happened to you?"

Chen stood up and put his hands in his pockets. "And you are mad because he is falling for me, not you." He chuckled.

"Hey guys, cut it out. We are all tired here so just chill." Kyungsoo cut in and grabbed Jongin's wrist. "C' mon, babe." He said softly to him.

Jongin just nodded and got dragged by Kyungsoo into their room.

Chanyeol just rolled his eyes and speed-walked into his room, shutting the door loudly behind him.

"I am doing this for your own good, Chanyeol-ah," Chen said under his breath.


The morning came by and Chanyeol was woken up by a lively Mongryong that was licking his face. Chanyeol laughed and got up. "Okay, Okay I am awake now~ stop it, haha!" He giggled and Mongryong stopped and sat on Chanyeol's bed with a smile.

"Man, I have to send you off to your cute owner today. I really want you to stay though." He frowned softly.


"Mianhae, babe... NEXT TIME I WILL FIX IT!"

Chanyeol sighed. "Here we go again, aren't you tired of them, Mongryong?" He asked the puppy.

Mongryong just barked happily at the tall officer.

"I will take that as a yes." He chuckled. Chanyeol got off from his bed and step into his bathroom. He first strips naked and turns on the water to wash himself up. After about 15 minutes, he steps out and put the towel around his waist as he brushed and dry his hair and then pulled his hair back with some hair gel. Then he put on his police officer uniform and checked himself on his mirror one more time before stepping out of his room with Mongryong following behind him, biting on to his wallet to hold it for him.

He simply ignored Chen that was sitting on the dining table that was drinking his coffee and left the dorm after getting his hat and shut the door. He was kinda excited to see Baekhyun and Mongryong can relate.

Chanyeol started his engine and placed Mongryong besides him on the passenger seat and played the radio. Mongryong was a well-behaved dog so he didn't cause much trouble but he is one hyper doggie I would say.

After driving to the Han River Crime Department, Chanyeol picked up Mongryong on the passenger seat and walked into the building. He looked at the front desk lady and bowed politely.

"Hello~ I am officer Park Chanyeol. Can I see detective Byun for a second?" He asked.

"Sure, let me go get him for you." She said politely and walked away. When she came back, she handed him a sticky note. "He said to give this to you."

Chanyeol raised a brow and took the note and opened it.

Go away, you fake ass. Don't even try to apologize to me

"Huh? Did I do something wrong?" He asked himself softly and looked at Monryong. "Looks like your owner is mad at me, but why?" He frowned slightly. Chanyeol thought of what to do and had an idea.

"Do you have his phone number?" He asked the front lady and she nodded slightly and give Chanyeol his business card. He thanked her before leaving the building and went to his car and picked up Mongryong from the floor. Chanyeol sat on the driver's seat and pulled out his phone and texted the number, then he realized something.

"Wait- isn't this Haemi's number?" He gasped loudly. "So it wasn't Haemi! No wonder he is mad at me... ARGH PARK CHANYEOL WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING DUMB!!?!!" He cursed at himself.

*meanwhile at Baekhyun*

"Wow, that dude really has no shame, huh?" Baekhyun sighed after the lady took his sticky note.

Sehun chuckled softly as he typed on the computer. "Looks like he's into you~" he hummed.

Baekhyun scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Oh, please." He shook his head. "He said that I was uncomfortable to be around with and now he wants to talk to me? If that isn't psychotic I don't know what is." He sassed.

"What if he didn't mean to?" Sehun guessed.

The small detective paused for a second. "Pfft, who will say that to an unknown number?"

"Maybe someone he wants to avoid?"

"Who would he want to a-"

"Chanyeol oppa~~~"

Baekhyun gulped but he didn't want to give up his ego so he just kept quiet. After a while, he got a case again and went with Sehun and his group of investigators. However, Sehun's assumption was in his head the whole day. He kept asking himself, 'what if what he said was true?' Or 'what I hurt his feelings even though I didn't mean to?'

As the detective was walking home, he felt someone grabbed his wrist and bang him against a metal poll.

"Ow- let go of me!!" Baekhyun yelled and tried to escape.

"Stop driving me insae, Byun Baekhyun!"


Hello, fluffies! I AM SO SORRY FOR A LATE UPLOAD ;-;

But I hoped you enjoyed it! Thank you fo reading!

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