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"Does it hurt?" Baekhyun asked softly as he held onto Chanyeol's huge hands and frowned at the burn he had.

Chanyeol shrugged slightly with a soft smile. "Kinda?" He chuckled softly. Baekhyun shook his head and opened his nightstand drawer and pulled out the Aid kit and opened the box. "C' mon, let's go cool off your hands first." He said and grabbed his other hand that didn't get burnt.

Baekhyun opens the sink faucet and ran Chanyeol's hand under the cool water for a bit. "Does that feel better?" Baekhyun asked as he looked up at the tall officer. Their faces were only a couple inches apart and he gulped nervously.

Chanyeol nodded and smiled softly. "Thanks to you and your soft loving heart." He winked playfully. Baekhyun's face suddenly grew hot but it wasn't too obvious for Chanyeol to notice.

Baekhyun just nodded back and got a clean dry towel and pat it around Chanyeol's hand a bit softly then wrapped it around Chanyeols hand. He thought of what else could he do and suddenly had a flashback.


"Pup, why does your hand have a bandage on it?" Yoda asked and looked at Baekhyun's small hands worriedly.

The 2 best friends were going home from school. This was probably when they were in 8th grade or around that time.

Baekhyun frowned and hid his hand away. "I was helping my mom making dinner and I accidentally cut my hand." He explained briefly. "It's not that bad."

Chanyeol shook his head. "Oh my god, why are so clumsy~?" Yoda sighed then grabbed Baekhyun's hand, stopping him from walking.


Chanyeol softly pressed his lips on the pup's hand near where the scar is. Baekhyun's eyes widen in shock, the tip of his ears going red.

"There, it should recover a bit faster." Chanyeol smiles brightly at him.

And that's when baekhyun realized that he is, in fact, gay for his best friend.

*Flash back ends*

"Baekhyun? Um, can you hear me?" He asked softly, his face right in front of Baekhyun.

Baekhyun panicked and fall behind his back a bit and thankfully, Chanyeol catches him with his from his behind. "Careful there, I don't want 2 people to get hurt on the same day in this household." Chanyeol chuckled softly.

Omfg, Park Chanyeol, stop iT!

"Y-yeah..~" Baekhyun replied weakly and cleared his throat. "I think we should go downstairs now, my mom is probably thinking about what is taking so long." He said, trying to avoid eye contact with Chanyeol.

"Alright, let's go." The officer smiled and walked out of the bathroom and secretly scanned his room.

Then his phone rang.

"Yes, Hyung?" He answered after clearing his throat.

"Chanyeol, a car accident happened in Handong vill street, we need you here, stat." He demanded.

"Yes, sir." He replied and hang up the call.

Baekhyun blinked a bit and walked to Chanyeol, curious on what happened. "Did something happen?" He asked, looking at him.

"Nothing much. Just something I got used to as a police officer." He chuckled a bit and walked downstairs with Baekhyun following from behind.

"Wait! I need you to put something on my hand first." He stopped and looked back.

Baekhyun panicked. "I- uh- Ummm...." He stuttered embarrassingly.

Chanyeol was kinda odd out my Baekhyun's reaction but asked his question anyway. "Do you guys have sterile bandages?" He asked as he looked at his hand. "I just want to be extra safe, that's all. It's okay if you don't have it, Junmyeon hyung is going to kill me if I don't get there now," he assured him and continued walking down.

"We do have them," he said and grabbed onto Chanyeol's wrist, "I will do it quickly, it won't take long," Baekhyun said and Chanyeol looked back with a warm smile.


- a few moments later

"Bye Chanyeol~ See you later!" Mrs. Byun waved with Baekhyun next to her.

"Bye!" he waved back with his bright smile and ran away.

Baekhyun admired his smile and smiled in the result. Thank god his mom didn't see him or else she would've looked at Baekhyun oddly and question about his son's sexuality. She closed the door afterward after she and Baekhyun walked in. He sat on the couch while his mom cleaned up the coffee table.

"Baekhyun, I set up a blind date for you tomorrow. Make sure to look extra good and use the cologne that I bought for you. You never use it." she told him.

Baekhyun stood up immediately, his brows furrowed together. "Mom, we been through this. I don't want to go to some stupid blind date. I can find love naturally myself." He walked to her

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. " That's what you say every single time and you still haven't find a girlfriend. Aren't you embarrassed of yourself?" She asked, looking at her upset son.

The detective couldn't say anything. He just bit his lip and walked away. It was clear that he no longer had any feelings for Chen anymore and there really isn't any point of not going. Plus, he was guilty that what his mom said was true. He really hated how he couldn't fit in in his people around him since they all had something going on. For example, Sehun having a crush and targeting that Han Lulu. All he has to do is ask her for her number, talk about 2 weeks and bam, he got the girl. And how Haemi is crawling all over Chanyeol. Everyone had something going on.

But did Baekhyun had something going on too? Like all the times Chanyeol made him flustered and make his heart go run a million miles?

Baekhyun slammed his bedroom door and drop himself onto his bed, burrying his face onto his pillow.

I hate that I love you, Park Chanyeol

Hey, fluffies! I'm back again with a new chapter. I am literally in tears we are almost reaching a 1,000 views! Thank you to everyone that supported ever since day 1 and let's hit more than 1,000!

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-Softie Blossom

The Tall Police and the Short Detective ♡|| Chanbaek FFWhere stories live. Discover now