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Chanyeol woke up sheepishly and sat up slightly, rubbing his eyes a bit. He then realized that he wasn't in his bed and most weirdly, he looked down at himself and saw the that wasn't wearing a shirt.

What the fuck?

He then looked next to him and saw Baekhyun clinging onto him. Chanyeol blushed hardly as he exposed shoulder and collar bone. He gulped and bit his lip, feeling a little aroused.

Baekhyun moved a little and made a small whine and cling a little closer to Chanyeol, tugging the blanket a bit.

The tall officer unknowingly leaned forward to Baekhyun, looking at his pouty lips and held his cheek with one of his hand and softly pressed his lips on top of his. His heart was beating really fast as if it was going to explode. He leaned back and just then, Baekhyun opened his eyes and blinked innocently at him.

"C-Chanyeol?" The shorter squeaked out and blushed hardly when he realized that the other was naked. He covered his eyes with his hands and peeked through his finger.

Chanyeol gulped panicked when he saw the small detective woke up. "Hey hey no need to panic. I don't even know why am half-naked what the heck?" He asked himself and tried to remember why.

"You... DIDN'T DO ANYTHING INAPPROPRIATE RIGHT??" Baekhyun asked anxiously, looking at his downstairs.

Chanyeol's eyes widen. "N-no dummy! I didn't do anything. At least that's what I remembered..." He looked away.

Baekhyun almost passed out but just then, Mrs. Byun opened the door.

"Baekhyun, get out of being-"
Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked up. She just stood there, blank in mind. Wondering why his son is in bed with a half-naked man. Thankfully, Jongin caught her before she collapsed onto the floor.

Chanyeol was told to leave by the officers while Baekhyun hurried over to his mom.
"Chanyeol you need to get out of here before you get smacked," Jongin said and quickly pushed him downstairs as he tried to wear back his shirt.

"B-but why?? Is she okay?" He looked back as he was being kicked out by the 2 officers.

"No, but, you're making it worse," Kyungsoo said and closed the door after getting Chanyeol out.

Chanyeol frowned as he turned around. He crossed his arms and sadly walked away.

-a few moments later-

"Mom! Thank god you're awake." Baekhyun gasped and slowly let his mother up from her bed.

"Yeah! I was about to call the emergency room." Jongin added.

Mrs. Byun looked at her son faintly, looking away from him then at Jongin and Kyungsoo who was next to her bed.

"Baekhyun ah, I need you to answer mommy with full honesty in the question that I am going to ask you, okay?" She spoked weakly.

Baekhyun nodded quickly as he looked at her in the eye.

"Are you perhaps, gay?"

The whole room went silent. Jongin and Kyungsoo looked at each other with widening eyes while Baekhyun gulped nervously.

"What w-"

"Just answer me honestly, Byun Baekhyun."

Baekhyun hesitated and looked down at his fingers. "Yes, mom. That's why I never went to the blind dates you told me to go and why I was never interested in a girl before." He admitted, trying his best not to tear up by looking up at the roof.

Kyungsoo and Jongin just stood there. They wish they could leave since it was a serious and private conversation but just as they attempted, Mrs. Byun stops them.

"Did you guys know about this?" She asked.

The 2 officers turned around with an awkward smile and shook their heads. Even though they assumed that was the case after observing how the small detective acted with Chanyeol.

Mrs. Byun sighed. "Get out Baekhyun. I don't want to see you." She said softly as she turned her head away.

Baekhyun's eyes sadden. He felt a clump up in bis throat and tighten his grip. "B-but mom..." He stuttered, hot tears starting form.

"Just get out." She command and Baekhyun helpless did what she told him to do and left ber room, Kyungsoo and Jongin followed afterward.

Kyungsoo looked at the small detective worriedly. "Hey, it's going to be okay." He said, patting his back a little. Jongin nodded in agreement and out a hand on his shoulder.

Baekhyun sniffled softly and nodded, wiping his tears. "You guys should go now." He said weakly while sobbing a bit.

Jongin frowned slightly and eyed Kyungsoo, which he responded with a nod to leave. "Alright, Baek. We will see you later." Kyungsoo said and head out the door.

Baekhyun went to his room and sat on his bed and cried softly. Mongryong peeked in and went to Baekhyun, trying to comfort him as the best as he can. The animal first sat beside Baekhyun and whined a couple of times then laid his head on his lap, nuzzling his head onto his stomach.

After a while, he calmed down a little thanks to Mongryong and his phone vibrated.

[Sehun: Why are you still not in the office yet? Did something happen?

Baekhyun looked at the text message for a while then started typing.

[Baekhyun: I overslept, haha. I will see you soon •̀.̫•́✧

He then put his phone in his pocket then laid back on his bed. Mongryong licked his cheek and Baekhyun smiled slightly. He grabbed his stuff and pecked Mongryong's head. "See ya, Mongryong." He smiled softly and left his room and left the house.

"Hello, baby~" he smirked, laying against his car.


Hello, fluffies! I'm sorry for the late update. School started and I had less time to write;-; and even worst, I got a little sick.

I already got some ideas for the other book. I'm debating if I will make it a Chanbaek story or just an og Korean gang story. Lemme know!

Hope you have a good day/night! Love you!

-Softie Blossom

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