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"I still think Mrs. Son killed the victim on purpose. She clearly knew that he was going because of the earthquake. Just put down your pride and have some common sense!" Baekhyun said angrily.

Haemi scoffed. "Why would she kill her own husband?? Have you not thought of that? And yeah sure she knew about it but how would she know that it would be so strong to fall onto the master's head? Can you predict that, shortie?!" She hollered.

"Excuse me? Does my height have anything to do with this? And if I really cared about my husband, I would protect him at all cost so I will let him sleep someone fucking else like, is that the only bed this huge place has?!" He hollered back.


A yell spread all across the mansion, it was as if time stopped for a second. Baekhyun and Haemi immediately stopped talking and looked at where the yell came from. Junmyeon and Chanyeol came upstairs and so is the female cook and maid. The whole house was waiting for Mrs. Son to speak. Her head down and fist clenched.

"I- I just couldn't hold it anymore... DO YOU GUYS KNOW IS IT LIKE TO GET INTO A ARRANGE MARRIAGE WITH SOMEONE THAT'S S LIKE A DECADE OLDER THAN YOU? No no that's not the worst part. Let's admit it, girls, WE ARE ALL FEARING TO GET TOUCHED BY THAT BASTARD. Right, Raena? Don't act like you don't know what I am saying." She said, looking at her.

The female chief just avoided eye contact with her, looking away. Junmyeon looked over at her, questioning in his head.

"And Mihae, you know what he also did to you right? You know real clear on what I am talking about." Mrs. Son then looked over at the maid.

The maid took a deep, shaky breath then started talking.

"Aemi, I know... I know the 3 of us can all feel sympathy towards each other. As the oldest within us, I tried so hard to get Master Son away from you guys and often proceeds him to stop touching us but..." her voiced cracked in tears, biting her lips.

"You don't have to continue ma'am, I will explain the rest," Chanyeol said, placing a hand on the young maid's shoulder.

"Bwo? Why didn't you tell me that you-" Junmyeon's sentences were cut by Chanyeol.

"Just a couple minutes ago, I found Master Son's old diary about you guys. I have to say, they were really, really disturbing but I am sure you guys know what I am talking about." He said as he pulled out the diary and the handcuffs in one big resealable plastic bag.

Raena, the chef, shivered in fear when she saw the handcuffs. Her hand started shaking looked terrified.

"Right. Those are the handcuffs that we all wore before..." Mihae, the maid, said quietly and held Raena's hand in hope to make her calm down and she did.

"I don't regret it, girls. Now you guys can live safely in here, don't miss me too much, alright?" Aemi, the wife, said as the 3 girls hugged each other in tears. They stayed like that for a while then they pulled away, smiling softly at each other.

"Now listen here. No matter how stressed Master was, he shouldn't ever take it on you guys. If someone truly loves you they would talk to you about it because they trust you, got it?" Aemi said as the 2 other girls nodded.

Junmyeon pulled out his handcuffs and put them on Aemi. "Goodbye, girls." She said, smiling as much as she could before walking off.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol waved at Aemi as she left with Junmyeon. They smiled at each other shyly then turned away. Chanyeol scratched the back of his neck while the small detective fiddled with his finger.

"So, Chanyeol oppa~ do you guys wanna grab dinner? I know this re-"

"No, thank you, Haemi. My roommates are waiting for me so I better go." He cut her off. The officer then looked over at Baekhyun, pouting slightly since he wants to stay with longer. "See you, Mr. Byun~"

*Chanyeol's pov, at his dorm.*

I walked up to the elevator and smiled at the thought of Baekhyun. He was so cute when he was focusing so hard. I really want to protect him at all cost. Sadly, he still doesn't know who I am and instead mistaken me like that son of a bitch, Jongdae.

In my angry thoughts, I bump my head onto my dorm door. I hissed in pain as I throb my head with my hand.

"Aish..." I hiss quietly then open the door after inserting my passcode in. It was dark so I switch on the lights and found Jongin and Kyungsoo sleeping peacefully while they cuddle on the couch.

I shook my head but I have to admit that the scenery was cute to watch. Being the good friend I am, I went to get the biggest blanket I have and put it on them.

I wish one day I could do this too.

Then, I walked into my room and threw my phone on the bed. I took off my shirt and thought that today I wanted to take a bath today than a shower since he saw his roommates sleeping so comfortably.

After I got the perfect temperature, I went to grab my phone and strip off all my clothes then dipped myself into the water, letting out a moan of relaxation.

Then, my phone beeped.

Unknown: hello officer park chanyeolie!~


Hello, my fluffies! I didn't even realize I didn't type an author's note last chapter since I was uploading late at night again (super sleepy) so I am sorry for that ><

So what do you think about the story so far? I hope its good!❤️

Thank you for reading and for new uploaded schedule its in the description. (midnight)

Vote and share~! Byeee❤️❤️

The Tall Police and the Short Detective ♡|| Chanbaek FFWhere stories live. Discover now