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*previously on "The Tall Police and the Short Detective"*

"The legs of the closet was loose and found fresh scratches on them. It was no simple small marks and scratches, of course."

"But, it is such an old closet. How are you so sure that it has been screwed recently?"

"What about the brand new scratches? That can't be explained, right?"


As the detectives were having a heated conversation, Junmyeon started to ask the people in the house what were they doing before the incident.

The leader went to the maid and lower his head, looking at the young female. "Miss, what were you doing before the incident?" He asked softly, taking out his pen and notebook.

"Well, I was preparing tea time for Master Son. As I was getting the tea and the small coffee cakes on the tray, I heard a loud yell so I ran upstairs." She said.

"And then you called us, right?" He asked, writing in his notebook.

"Yes, sir." She replied.

Then Junmyeon walked to the kitchen where he saw the cheif. She was sighing at her dinner idea that she wrote down. The officer asked him the same question.

"I was thinking about what to prepare for dinner since it was getting late. After I finally decided what to cook, I heard a loud scream and heard that master was dead." He explained.

Junmyeon wrote down what he said then lookef back at the chef. "When was this?"

"I started quite early, I didn't want master to yell at me again for preparing late so it was probably 5 pm? I am not sure but it's something around that, yeah." She rolled her eyes and he nodded at her reply.

"Alright, thank you." He smiled slightly and left the kitchen. Junmyeon saw the wife on the couch, her face pale like snow.

Junmyeon slowly realized something. Everysingle person in this house is a women that is young and petite. He saw multiple bruises on the wife's neck, lower thigh and a big red scar around her wrists.

Hm... This is suspicious...


"You guys are over reacting to this. It's clearly a accident just get over the fact I do things better than you, gosh." Haemi swirled her hair around her index finger. She rolled his eyes at Baekhyun that has been debating with her for half a hour already.

Chanyeol looked around the room in awkwardness. He decided to the backyard to get some fresh hair. He then saw something pink suspiciously behind one of the bushes. He walked over to it and found pink fluffy handcuffs. Chanyeol got embarrassed but continued. Behind the handcuffs he found a diary. The officer had his gloves on so he opened the dairy and gasped in disgust.

Each page had a used condom in a small pastic baggie. He read one of the pages from the very beginning.

Dear diary,

Tonight was amazing. That little slut sure knew how to cook but as expected, her ass wasn't bad either. I love how she cried in pain when I whipped her and she begging me to stop. That bitch really did yell for help, too bad that she won't even dare to speak tomorrow. Her p

Chanyeol stopped reading. He felt like throwing up but at the same time he felt angry and sad. The girls in this house has all been raped and been sexually abused. It was no wonder why any of these girls would seek revenge and kill him.

He went back to the house and saw Junmyeon talking to Mrs. Son. He went to the maid that was sitting on the dinning table.

"Miss, can I ask you a question?"

"Ah, yes. What is it officer?" She replied, kinda startled and looked back at Chanyeol.

"When did Mr.Son and Mrs. Son got married?" He asked.

"About two years ago. Mrs. Song is currently 24 so that means she got married when she was 22 and when master is 45." She replied, thinking through out.

Chanyeol secretly 'yuck'ed at their age gab.

"How old is the chief and how did she came here?" He asked.

"27. She studied in France for cooking and when master was vacationing around Europe, he suggested her to go back with him with a raise of 10,000 a month. Raena, the chief, is actually from a poor family background. Her family barely had enough money to pay for her tuition so that probably explains why she decided to come." She explained. "And she is really beautiful and talented, a really good friend." She smiled softly.

Chanyeol sighed sadly. "What about you, miss? How did you came here?"

The maids smile suddenly faded. "Master Son's parents was my life saver. I am a child from the orphanage and Master's family took me and be a part of their family. After master's parents passed away, he started treating me like a slave and look at me now, I am his maid and I can't do anything about it." She looked down.

Chanyeol patted the female's shoulder. This was getting difficult for him... every single person had a reason.

Who's it gonna be?

The Tall Police and the Short Detective ♡|| Chanbaek FFWhere stories live. Discover now