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"C-Chanyeol! Look, you have to understand." He said, stepping back from his nephew.

"No, uncle. You treating Baekhyun like this is already enough. I can't believe that the uncle I looked up to when my parents were gone did such things." He glared.

Namho looked down. His heart broke a little by his nephews' words.

After a minute of silence, a group of police arrived. Kyuungsoo quickly handcuffed Namho, pulling him with Jongin on the other side.
"Let's go." Jongin ordered and Kyungsoo nodded.

"Chanyeol, check on Mr. Byun quickly. They already called an ambulance and they will be there soon." Kyungsoo looked back.

The tall police nodded and dropped the knife, kneeling down to the small male and took the hands cuffs off of the males wrist that was hanging on the wall. He looked at Baekhyun in his eyes and caressed head.
"Sorry that we couldn't arrive soon enough. Sehun called us after noticing you weren't at work today." The tall police softly smiled at him and caresses his hand.

"It must've been scary," he frowned, "I am for real, so sorry." He pulled him into a hug, crying softly.

"Officer Park? Are you okay?" He asked, confused on why he was so guilty.

Chanyeol hugged Baekhyun even tighter and just stayed in Baekhyun's arms for a while. Baekhyun soon rubbed the officer's back and comforted him.

"I am okay, officer Park." He smiled softly. "Really. So please stop crying, hm?" He pulled away slightly, looking at him.

(authors note: you know if this was a anime/Kdrama I would like but a transition of like a flashback when they were kids and Chanyeol was comforting Baekhyun. But now Baekhyun is comforting Chanyeol showing that they got each other no matter what. Like you get what I mean? Ok ok)

Chanyeol nodded and sniffled softly. He quickily wiped his tears, adjusting his feeling.

"Ahh... This is embarrassing." Chanyeol looked down and covered his face in shame.

Baekhyun patted the other's head. "It's ok, officer. We all cry and that's just part of life." He comforted.

Chanyeol chuckled and got up, offering a hand. "C'mon let's get up. It will be weird for them to see us like this." He laughed embarrassingly.

Baekhyun chuckled and nodded. But when Baekhyun attempt to get up, he groaned loudly since he failed miserably.

Chanyeol gasped and kneeled down. "Are you ok, pu- I mean, Detective Byun?" He asked nervously.

Baekhyun was too in pain to notice the officer's mistake. He just shook his head.

Fortunately, the ambulance came just right after. They quickly pick Baekhyun up and put him onto a emergency wheel bed, pushing him into the ambulance car.

Chanyeol held onto Baekhyun's hand softly, trying not to hurt him. "Go to sleep now. When you wake up, it's all going to feel better." He said warmly to him.

Baekhyun smiled warmly, holding onto Chanyeol's huge warm hands, feeling safe and warm.

Chanyeol smiled back at him, feeling warm and bubbly inside.


"Yoda! Yoda! Can you push me on the swing?" the pup asked excitedly, beaming.

Chanyeol smiled and nodded. He watched the pup run to the swing area, waving.

"Hurry, Yoda!" He jumped slightly, clearly excited.

Chanyeol ran over to the pup and get behind him on the swing.
"Make sure to hold onto the string tightly!" He reminded. "What happens if you get hurt?" He furrowed his brows.

"Okay, got it Yoda." He said, not actually doing what Chanyeol said.

Chanyeol had a plan to give him a tiny lesson since he knew that his pup wasn't following directions.

He started pushing the pup slowly and carefully then suddenly went faster.

The pup on the other side was squealing and laughing in joy. "I want to go higher, Yoda!" He laughed.

Chanyeol pushed Baekhyun a last time. And suddenly Baekhyun started to held onto the swing string tightly, scared.

"YODA! YODA! GET ME DOWNN!!!" The pup yelled in fear.

Chanyeol used his full strength to stop the swing. After a few grunts the swing stopped swingging quickly and the pup whimpered.

"Y-yoda that was so scary!" He frowned and started crying softly, sniffling.

Chanyeol felt a bit guilty but back hugged his pup since he was behind him.
"I told you to hold onto it tightly but you didn't listen to me." He rested his chin on the pup's shoulder.

"I-im sowwy..." He stuttered softly and hugged back. The pup immediately calms down after feeling his best friend's warmth.

*Flashback ends*

Chanyeol woke up next to Baekhyun's hospital bed. He lifted his head, smiling softly looking at Baekhyun's face feature.

"My pup, I've finally found you."



I am so sorry I didn't know I was going to be this busy, AGAIN!

Ok so imma stay up to write "seven" so SEE YA!

The Tall Police and the Short Detective ♡|| Chanbaek FFWhere stories live. Discover now