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The pair has finally arrived back in their home country. Chanyeol's fingers were still intertwined with Baekhyun's at this very moment. Throughout the whole flight, the two continuously looked at each other shyly.

"I wonder if Sehun is gonna be there when I get off, did you tell them that we were coming back today?" Baekhyun asked.

Chanyeol nodded, a little jealous but hid it quite well. "Yeah, they said that they be at the waiting area." He replied.

"I missed that dummy. It feels so strange that I am back. You had no idea how strange it was."

Tell me about it I almost died-

"Yeah. I am just glad you're back and safe." He smiled and kissed Baekhyun's cheek, which soon turned red.

Baekhyun squeaked quietly and looked at Chanyeol. "Don't do that in public is embarrassing!" He told him quietly since the atmosphere was quiet on the plane.

After a while, they finally saw the crew. Junmyeon, Minseok, and Sehun ran to them with a happy smile on their face. They ran to them too, but Baekhyun could run faster since he didn't have any stuff with him.

"SEHUN!!" He shouted and waved to him, very glad to see his best friend again.

"Baekhyun!" Sehun exclaimed and ran to him, soon hugging the other tightly. "You idiot, did you know how worried we were?" He nagged, hitting the elder brother.

Baekhyun smiled softly and rubbed Sehun's back. "I'm sorry..." He said quietly then let go of the other.

Sehun frowned slightly. "You should be!" He crossed his arms like a kid, making Minseok let out a small chuckle.

Junmyeon stepped forward cleared his throat. "Alright, I am glad that you guys are back but we need to finish the Chen problem before all this celebrating." He said and everyone nodded along, everyone but Sehun.

"Sigh, can't we just take a break from all of this already? Baekhyun is now safe and sound with us so as long as he is with us, he won't dare to get near him." Sehun scoffed.

"Sehun. Take back your words now." Chanyeol said deadly. "If we don't finish it now and push it even more, who knows what that psycho would do."

Baekhyun nudged Chanyeol a bit. "Babe, stop it. I will make sure that I will be fine, I promise."

Oh, shoot-

Everyone's eyes shot open and looked at the detective. "What did you call him?!?" Sehun exclaimed.

"Yah yah yah! When did you guys start??" Minseok grinned and put a hand on both of them shoulder each.

Chanyeol looked away in embarrassment and covered his face but he smiled happily.

"T-today..." Baekhyun said softly and bit his lips.

Sehun smiled, almost smugly like a brother when his sibling admits that he has a crush. "Honestly, I'm not even surprised anymore."

- location: Shanghai, China. Jongdae is currently strolling along the busy street with an emotionless face.

A vibration from his phone stopped him from walking. He stepped into a small corner and answered an unknown number, hoping it wasn't some random trash calls.

"Hel- "

"Appa! Is that you?" A young girl called out.

Jongdae furrowed his brows in confusion but his heart softened somehow by this stranger he has no clue about.

"Little girl, did you lost your daddy?" He asked kindly, smiling a bit.

"Yeah, but I think I found him."

"Ah, that's good! Then, hurry up and go to him. I'm hanging up now, is that okay?"

"I can't. But I am listening to his voice now. Appa where are you," she sobbed, "I have been searching for you all this time, do you not know who I am?"

Jongdae panicked and tried to recall, but how was he a father? Where did this child come from? Why was she calling him like she knows that Jongdae was her appa?

"Hand me the phone, Blessing, I will talk to him." A man around his mid-twenties said in the background. "Hello, is this Kim Jongdae? I am Suh Johnny from the Han River Crime Department. Don't worry I am not going to discuss you, I am going to discuss your daughter."

Jongdae lost it just by hearing that department. "What daughter?! Are you guys fu*king insane? How can I be a father?!"

Johnny sighed. "It's your fiancé's. She didn't want to tell you that she was pregnant but she didn't want to abort her daughter either so she secretly sent her away in an orphanage in America." He explained.

"N-no way. YOU'RE LYING!" He yelled, loud enough to let the people around him to think he was insane. He knew he should've been more careful, but did he seriously thought through? No, of course, he didn't, he didn't even love her, he only loved Haemi.

"Sir," Johnny said seriously, "do you want to be responsible for her?" He asked but nothing came back to him.

Johnny scoffed in disbelief, assuming that he obviously didn't want to. "You asshole, when I told her that she had a father that was still in this world, her eyes glowed like she had a purpose to live again. Do you know how mu- "

"I will turn myself in."


"I said, I will turn myself in."


Hey Fluffies!

ITS BEEN A WHILE I KNOW! I missed you guys so much. Originally I just thought of leaving this book in dead but after seeing all the support I received while I was gone, I got fired up again and came back with a new chapter! Have a good day everyone! Love you xoxoxo

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