Twenty one

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"You can leave now, Chanyeol. I'm pretty sure we can handle the rest." Junmyeon said and patted Chanyeol's shoulder.

It was 3: 34 am and it turns out that the car accident happened because of one of the drivers heavily consumed alcohol. Luckily, no one was hurt severely and they could wrap it up pretty quickly.

Chanyeol nodded and looked at the pitched black sky and blinked a bit. He then yawned sheepishly and covered his mouth with his hand. "Alright, I will head back to the dorm now." He said as he looked at Junmyeon.

As Chanyeol walked away, he was held back from a grip from his shoulder. "Also, don't argue with Chen too much. You know how he is like." He said.

Chanyeol didn't look back and just replied with a firm hum and a slight nod, clenching his fit a bit. "Arasso."

Junmeyon then let go on the grip on the others shoulder and Chanyeol started walking towards his car again but then turned around again. "Hyung,"

"Hm?" Junmyeon blinked.

Chanyeol hesitated a bit before talking. "Do you perhaps know something about Chen that I don't know?"

Junmyeon raised a brow and shook his head a bit. "No, what? Did Chen say something weird about me?" He asked in a questionable voice.

"No... Nevermind. Sleep well, hyung." He said flatly and walked to his car. "There must be something wrong..." He mumbled to himself as he opens his car's car and sighed.

Chanyeol remained silent during his ride home. He was lost in thought while yawning here to there since it was so late and he was really tired.

As he opened his dorm room, be didn't hear the usually excited barking or any noise at all in fact. He started to get worried and looked all around the dorm. Kyungsoo, Jongin wasn't found anywhere neither. So he panicky took out his phone and called Kyungsoo.


"Kyungsoo where are you??" He asked hurriedly.

"Oh, about that. Mongryong went missing so I and Jongin went to find him." He explained calmly.

"And!? Did you find him!!?"

"Calm down first," he rolled his eyes on the other line, "We did found him but it took us an hour."

Chanyeol let out a sigh of relief and sat down at the couch, his hand on his heart being the extra boy he is.

"So where did you find him? Are you guys coming back to the dorm soon?" He asked, resting his arm behind his head.

Kyungsoo took a sip and started talking again. "At detective Byun's backyard and I don't think we are going back tonight," he smiled slightly, "It's super late and Mrs. Byun said there is an extra room so we are just going to stay over for the night."

The tall officer's eyes widen, standing up. "WHAT!?! NO NO YOU'RE GOING BACK HERE, NOW." He exclaimed.

Kyungsoo shook his head as Jongin chuckled softly since he could hear Chanyeol's envious voice through the other line.

"No, thank you. HUH? OKAY? BAEKHYUNNIE~ I AM COMING UP STAIRS~" he acted and hang up, he laughed loudly with Jongin afterward, almost dying.

Chanyeol on the other line dropped his phone in shock. His jaw dropped so low it looked like it could snap out in any second.

So that night when Chanyeol was trying to sleep, he kept thinking about what Kyungsoo and Jongin will do with Baekhyun. He couldn't help but have some kind of weird imagery in his head.

What he is thinking;

"Kyungsoo~ hahaha stop it~ Jongin you too~! Hehehehe!"

"Ahh~! Hmmm mmm um~! Ah! Faster~"

"Don't tease me, please~"

And that couldn't make him sleep at all and his constant rolling on the bed didn't really help either. He thought he was going crazy. These days, his head was only filled up with thoughts of Baekhyun. Baekhyun smiling, Baekhyun looking up at him, Baekhyun blushing, everything Baekhyun does make him feel so crazy.

So after a while, the giant has finally made up his mind and went to Baekhyun's house. He was really embarrassed about this but he couldn't help himself.

When he arrived, he hurriedly throws a rock on Baekhyun's bedroom window, hoping he would wake up. Then, he panicked. He didn't even think how he can see him and what reason would he give him.

He gulped and just about when he was leaving, Baekhyun opened his window to see what the loud sound was. The detective was half awake, his eyelids half-closed. The moonlight reveals his milky soft shoulder a bit by his oversize white shirt that he likes to wear. Baekhyun then saw a tall shadow and blinked a bit at the familiar figure.

"Chanyeol-ssi? What are you doing here?" He asked, loud enough so Chanyeol could hear him.

Chanyeol gulped nervously and turned around slowly, looking around awkwardly. "Um..." he tried to find an excuse. "Just patrolling! Yes! You know there can be bad people around here, you know~" he laughed softly.

Baekhyun tilted his head. "Weirdo..." he mumbled and looked at him suspiciously. "Did you perhaps wanted to see me?" He asked innocently.

Chanyeol cussed in his head. "I..." he walked a bit closer to his window, "Yes, honestly, I want to see you real bad after the call I had with Kyungsoo. They didn't do anything to you right?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck a bit.

Baekhyun got a bit flattered by Chanyeol's reply and smiled sheepishly. "Come upstairs, big dork." He chuckled softly and went downstairs excitedly, giving Chanyeol a tight back hug. Baekhyun's heart was racing a bit, this is the feeling that he always get with Chanyeol. However, his scent was shockingly familiar but since Baekhyun was half awake, he just hugged him without thinking much.

Chanyeol face got hot and smiled shyly. He held Baekhyun's hand that was on his lower stomach lovingly and felt his heart beating quickly. He turned around and gave Baekhyun the warmest hug ever, trying to fully show much he missed him.

Sorry, mom, I'm not going to the blind date.


Hello, fluffies! I am so sorry for this late upload again. School started and it's tragic, yes. I hope you enjoyed today's humor and fluff.

Hope you have a great day! Vote comment and share 💓💓

Bye guys~


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