Twenty- three

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Baekhyun looked at Chen wearing his brown jacket, black t-shirt and old ripped jeans. He had his hands in his pockets with his hair put on to the side a little.

"Oh- um, hey Chen." He said awkwardly and walked towards him, trying to avoid eye contact. It was clear to the small detective that it doesn't matter if Chen was Yoda anymore. That was who the Byun Baekhyun liked in the past, not the Byun Baekhyun now who is deeply in love with Park Chanyeol.

Chen frowned slightly and cupped his cheeks. "What is it, sweetie? You didn't sleep well last night?" He asked, looking at Baekhyuns eyes.

No, in fact, I had the best sleep ever.

Baekhyun just nodded and removed his hands from him. "What brings you here?" He asked, looking at Chen.

"To drive you to work, of course, ~ Officer Do said that you overslept today so I came by to my baby to take him to work." He smiled brightly, leaning his face closer to Baekhyun's.

Baekhyun shook his head. "It's okay, Chen. I can just go on the bus, no fuss needed." He smiled softly.

Suddenly, Chen's facial expression changed and forcefully grab onto Baekhyun's arm, pressing him under himself.

"Listen, you little slut. You're not going anywhere." Chen growled and passed him out by putting a handkerchief with sleeping pills crushed all over it on his mouth.  He smirked evilly and punched him in the stomach before putting Baekhyun in the backseat.


"What the fuck? Did that stupid hyung fall back to sleep again? Jesus fucking Christ." Sehun rolled his eyes. Then, Minseok came in with a big cardboard box that has his name written over it. He smiled brightly and went to the seat that was across from Sehun. The investigator raised a brow.

"What are you doing here, hyung," Sehun asked, looking at the older male that was unpacking his stuff while humming a happy tune.

Minseok put down his binders and looked at Sehun. "Remember Mr. Han Soohan? That old dude who sat here before?" Minseok said, pointing at the spinning chair Mr. Han Originally had.

"I think? The dude who sat in front of me? Nono, don't tell me-"

"Yep! He retired and even more of an event, we have a new co-worker named Seo Johnny! I led my old seat to him for now since it turns out that we currently don't have enough desk so as they are working on that now, I will be in your team! Isn't that exciting?" He beamed.

"No... That means more competition for me.." Sehun mumbled softly.

Minseok titled his head. "You said something?" He asked innocently.

"N-no... Nevermind." He cleared his throat.

Minseok shrugged and looked next to him, realizing Baekhyun wasn't in his seat. "Hey, where is Baekhyunnie?" He asked.

Sehun shrugged. "Who knows where that dude is." He said and looked beside him where Baekhyun sat. "Apparently he overslept and it's been 2 hours since he said so."

Minseok shrugged. "Maybe he got into some traffic jam?" He guessed while putting cactus on his desk.

"No way. There shouldn't be any traffic  happening now." He said as he checks his watch for the millionth time.

Suddenly, as usual, the speaker turned on.
"Guys, there is a car accident in Hansel Street. Investigator Kim Minseok please report to the scene now immediately."

Sehun suddenly thought of something, what if the bus got into a car accident and Baekhyun got hurt and he is in the hospital again?

"Yo, is it okay if I come with you." He stood up as Minseok was about to leave.

Minseok hesitated for a second. "Okay, I guess." He replied and quickly left with Sehun.

So when the investigation started, Minseok quickly went to work and Sehun as well. He tried to find the police so he can ask about Baekhyun and saw Jongin. Sehun doesn't know him that well but he knew him through Baekhyun.

"Officer Kim!" He called out and Jongin turned around, surprised to see him.

"Oh, hey Investigator Oh. I thought they sent the other investigator." He asked in a questioning tone.

"They did. I am just here to see if Baekhyun got involved in this since he didn't show up at the office today." He explained.

Jongin blinked with confusion. "What?? He said that he went to the office already." He said.

"Huh? No way. When did that happen?"

"About 2 hours ago? He said that he went to the office right after he got things taken care of." Jongin furrowed his brows a bit.

Sehun shook his head. "But he never showed up, though." He said softly. The investigator looked and studied at the bus scene and it seems like the bus's tire got busted by a piece of glass that came from a store that was still in construction and that made it crash into a sign.

"Don't worry. No one really got hurt to expect the bus driver and he is getting to take care of now." Jongin reassured him after looking at his focused face.

Sehun just nodded. "I am going to Baekhyun's house just to see what's up with him, see you." He waved and went to a taxi that he called out for.

Jongin nodded and waved back, getting back to the investigation. He pulled out his phone and called Chanyeol's number.

"Yo, bro. I think Detective Byun went messing." He said.

Chanyeol yelled through the other line. "HE WHAT? WHERE, WHEN, HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS!!?"

Jongin wasn't too shocked if he had to be honest. "Calm down. Investigator Oh is working on it now, I'm just letting you k-"

Beep beep beep beep


"Well, that was a mistake..."

-Baekhyun's point of view-

I woke up slightly with a groan. My head was hurting so badly and when I tried to open my eyes, I couldn't see anything but metal bars. The atmosphere was quiet but I could hear the droplets of water near me. Then I tried to move but realized I was locked onto a bed and my body was num too.

My ankle was locked too and I was almost bare naked. I couldn't even shiver since my body couldn't move. A drop of tear slide through my cheek in fear, praying that Chanyeol will save him, or anyone. Something about this place made me feel so scared and dangerous. Then, I suddenly remembered that man who I used to think I was head over heels with was the reason for this. Gosh, I knew it. There is no such thing as eternal love or a long-lasting relationship.

I want to get out of here.

Did they finally make me pay for what I did?

Hey, fluffies! I am finally back!

Bruh everyone keeps distracting me while writing it's so hard 😫

But yay a 1,000-word chapter in a while✌️🏻🤠

Hope you have a good day ♥

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