Chapter 1

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"What?" I stared at my Trigonometry teacher in disbelief. She told me I had to get a tutor! I thought I was doing well in this class, I can't really need a tutor... Can I? I mean, my last test was on the lower side of the grading scale. Who am I kidding? I failed. I knew I did. I just didn't think that one failed test would ruin my GPA.

"I'm sorry Amber. It's just these last tests have brought your score down greatly. I want you to pass, that's why there are two retakes, and you have a tutor until then." Ms. Jones pushed her glasses up. She held out a packet for me to take.

I grabbed it from her dainty hands. "What's this?"

"Your study guide, and a set of passes to skip this period so you can study with your tutor." I turned and started to walk out of the class when Ms. Jones stopped me. "Amber, your tutor is waiting for you at the library today. His name is Michael. Good luck, the next time I see you is for the retakes." I sighed and smiled. I thanked her and headed for the library. As I made my way down the hallway, I looked at my study guide and let out a long sigh.




Trigonometric functions

Unit -

I bumped into someone, sending all of my papers flying everywhere.

"Ugh. Watch where you're going, crazy." I looked up to see a tall, slightly muscular guy in front of me. He had black hair with a purple streak in it, going all directions. He had a small nose, and big green eyes. He was very very attractive, but then I remembered he called me crazy.

"Um, excuse you. You ran into me..."

"I wasn't the one reading in the hall."

"Look, I don't have time for this. Can you stop being such a douchebag, and maybe help me pick up my papers?" He bent down and picked up two papers, freezing at my failed math test.

"Amber?" I turned back to look at him, and he stared me down. He shoved the papers in my chest, and mumbled a "see you soon." He walked off quickly, staring at the ground. Someone clearly has issues. I rushed to grab the rest of my papers, and make it to the library. Not wanting another incident like that, I tucked the sheets underneath my arms. I made it to the library in complete silence. I was supposed to meet Michael by the fiction centre.

There he was. Him. The guy who I ran into in the halls. He had his legs propped up on the table, and his chair was leaning back, ever so slightly. I walked up behind him, he had his eyes closed, and looked so calm, compared to the guy I had met nearly 5 minutes ago. I stepped on the back legs of his chair, causing him to thrust forward, and snap his eyes open just in time to balance himself. He twisted his head towards me and let out an "Oh it's just you."

"Wow. Nice greeting." I scoffed, and took at seat opposite him. He suddenly looked nervous, and looked down at his lap. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to be the one tutoring me?" I then snapped my fingers. "That's what you meant by 'See you soon!'"

He nodded and looked back up at me. "Ok, I can tell you don't like me, and I honestly don't care. So let's just get this over with."

I pulled out my textbook as he did the same. "Can I see the study guide Ms. Jones gave you?" I passed it to him. He skimmed over it quickly and passed it back to me.

"Ok, so let's just start with-."

"Why are you doing this?" Tutoring me, I mean. Like why? You obviously don't want to..."

"I want the extra credit, and I didn't know you'd be such a bitch."

"You already have a perfect GPA. Why do you need the extra credit?" I let the bitch comment pass, because I was simply curious, and I was tired of arguing.

"In case, by any chance, I slip up like you did. I have the credit cover it, and take over for and I won't need a tutor." He smirked at me, hoping for some reaction. I just shrugged and just looked back down at my textbook, hoping the extra hour would end quickly.


The librarian flickered the lights on and off, signalling all of the students who stayed after school to pack up and leave. I flew out of my chair, and packed my things in my bag. I decided to be polite and wait for Michael, who was seriously unorganised.

"Wow, Mikey. You need to organise your binders."

"Don't call me that, and I know I do. I just never find time." He shrugged. I thought for a minute, and made a decision that I knew I'd regret later.

"Are you taking the subway?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Why don't you come over to my place and we can organise it? And this way, if we're unable to meet at the library for some reason, you'll know where my apartment is."

He smirked. "Are you sure you want me in your house? I thought you hated me."

"Do you want it organised or not?" We walked out of the school and down towards the subway. He pretended to look like he was thinking, and then nodded. I smiled and grabbed him by his wrist, and dragged him down to the subway.

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