01: Not Exactly The Perfect Timing

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ECMC Hospital,
Buffalo New York..

"Have you check the patient's vital??" The brunette girl who are one of the doctor in the Emergency Room (ER), at ECMC Hospital ask one of the new resident doctor there.

The resident immediately reply in a hurry. "Yes I did Dr. Marshall. His vital is normal, and I've already send his blood to the lab for a study.." Dr. Marshall just nods her head while still focus on looking through the patient's medical chart. After she is sure that there is nothing wrong with the patient, she leave the room.

The resident immediately let out a big sigh after she walk away. "Huhh..I was nearly forgot how to breathe!!" The resident say to the other two resident in the room. "Me too. I thought she would scold us or something!" The second resident say.

"Thank god she didn't!!!" The third resident say almost like yelling a little. That's Dr. Emily Marshall for you. Her beauty is undeniable, but her temper is also more undeniable than her looks.

Emily Marshall have already work at the ECMC Hospital for almost five years. Being a doctor at such a young age has tought her to be an independent woman, who's not only depends on her family's wealth. And plus, she doesn't have a good relationship with her father for some reason.

"Dr. Marshall, there will be a hit and run patient coming into our ER in five minutes!" The nurse that in charge at the counter desk at the ER tell her as soon as she walk towards them. She nods, and tie her long brunette in a bun, and run towards the ER's back entrance to make sure that she's there when the patient came.

"Let's get started Emily.." She talk to herself while waiting for their Hospital's ambulance van to show up.


Northwest Coast Of Australia,
United States Military Base..

"Captain Jayden Walker!!"

"YES SIR!!!!" Jayden raise his voice while giving the General of the Special Force a salute. His deep blue eyes is not blinking even for once in front of his leader. The general smile a little at him after receiving his salute.

"At ease.." The general order him.

"You and your team really do us all proud during the mission on Afghanistan. I am proud to have you as the captain of the Special Force team for our country!!" The general pat his back looking very proud at him.

Jayden Walker never failed to do his mission even for once. He is the definition of the perfectionist when it comes to his work. "Thank you sir!!" He give the general another salute.

"Okay then..I'll see you at home. I have to finish some work first. You could go now, the helicopter is already waiting for you outside." The general say while standing up and leaving him. He put his hand down after the general is already gone.

Jayden let out a little sigh. "Yeah yeah..copy that dad.." He say to himself while watching his father, General Benjamin Walker get into one of the US Army airplane. Just as his father proud to have him as a captain of the Special Force, he is also damn proud to have the General of the Special Force as his father.

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