25: The Massacred

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The UNV Camp,
Qalai Naeem Village,
Kabul Province, Afghanisthan.

Fuck. Jayden thought to himself.

"Tell them to bring all the things that they need to treat the villagers. Give them 10 minutes to prepare.. Now."

Damon and Cole nods at Jayden before they run to the outside of the tent.


Deh Rawood Town,
Uruzgan Province,

Deh Rawood is a town in Deh Rahwod District. It is located 400 kilometers southwest of Kabul province. Ever since the US invasion of Afghanistan, the area has been noted as a remaining Taliban stronghold. Moreover, the area is rural with mountainous, and roadless train, which make it the perfect hideout for the Omerta group.

"Is it done?" Ho asks his right man, Samuel. The other four guys that stand besides Samuel is grinning, proud of the chaos that they've just cause in the Dara Village.

"Yes General... We did exactly like what you've told us..." Samuel reply.

"Good." Ho says. The satisfaction on his face is very clear. He hope that the US army will get his messages by this.

The 'mole' that Ho has planted inside the US army is quite useful. Yesterday Ho got an info from that mole. A very useful information. Ho found out that the Lt. General of US Base Military here in Afghanistan have some document regarding his background. The fact that the US army is digging into his past really does not seat well with Ho.

It is only been a few days ago that he just found out about Jayden pretending to be part of the medical team, in order to spy on him. And now, this. Knowing all of this really triggered Ho's anger, which is why he decided to attack the Dara Village.

"Well then, I hope the US army will enjoys my gift for them..." Ho says, with an evil smile on his face.

The other four guys who's also part of the Omerta group laugh really hard, still with a blood on their clothes, and a few splash on their faces. The splashes of blood from the people that they've just killed on the Dara Village.

"Oh I'm sure as shit that they are gonna fuckin love it General!!!" One of the guy says, laughing.

"Not only the villagers, some of the UN peacekeepers are also injured.. I even heard them asking for a backup like a fucking pussy.." The other one say, also laughing.

"Yeah I did heard it too.." The guy number three, Paulo add.

"What a bunch of pussy they are.." Gustav also join them, laughing. Samuel just stand there in silence, waiting for another order from Ho.

"All of you did great.. Samuel, I'm going to meet the Taliban leader.. Prepare the car."

"Yes General.."


Dara Village,

Dara Village is one of the villages in Afghanistan, that are located in the mountains which is nearly midway between Herat, and Kabul Province.

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