20: Still In Love With Him

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"So, back to the topic.. What do you mean by it's a warning?? Have you already did something that would've pissed Ho as much as he would put a C4 at the UNV camp??" Shawn asks.

I let out a big sighs, with my eyes set on Emily's direction that is currently looking at me. "I think I did..." I reply. Shawn look at me, worried.

"Don't tell me that she is involved.." He add, glancing at Emily's direction for a seconds. I let out a big sighs.

"Damn it Jayden.. What the fuck have you done this time??"

"After our last mission in Kabul, I secretly went there to gather some information on Ho," I says, as I let out a few sighs before continuing what I want to say.

"I went undercover, pretending to be a part of the US medical team.. Using a fake medical team ID pass to get into the rural village..." As I finish my sentence, Shawn shake his head.

"Only because you couldn't accept the fact that we've failed the mission, you act on your own again... And this time, it involve other's people safety.. Well done..."

"I forgot that the UNV programmed is near the corner.." I reply.

General Ho must have found out about me checking up on him using the medical team ID. Maybe that is why he came to the camp. Using the medical team is my fucking mistake. If anything happen to the medical team, or Emily... I would never forgive myself.

"And you also had no idea for the fact that she came as the part of the medical team..." Shawn add, looking at Emily's direction. Seeing his worried expression, and shockingly fuckin care about Emily make me angry.

"You've risked their safety just to cover up your failure.. Ho is not someone that you could handle by yourself Jayden.. Which is why General Arnold gave the secret mission to both of us for fuck sakes.."

"I admit that it was all my fault.. Today explosions, and risking the safety of all the medical team member.. It was all my fault.. Which is why, their safety, leave it to me.. Don't get your nose on other's people business.." I reply, looking at him, serious.

"The medical team huh??? Or is it Emily that you're talking about right now??" He deadpan. The fact that I am hearing her name from this jackass's mouth really anger me. I let out a sarcastic chuckles at him.

"Could you fucking do me the favor then?? Cause I know I can, and I will absolutely take care of her safety even without you chirping around like a fucking bird on my ear to do so..." I reply, walking away from him.



To be honest, I can't complained. I'm the one who want this. I've signed up for this. This country is a country where attacks do happen. Bombs, terrorist, kidnapping, and killing is not a new thing in here. I let out a little sighs while laying inside my tent.

"Dr. Marshall???"

"Yupp..coming.." I yell, while trying to stand up.

"What is it??" I add, with my eyes wide open seeing Jayden standing beside Dr. Philip.

"Captain Walker is asking for you Dr. Marshall.." Philip says, not able to hide the grins on his face. Hearing Jayden's little chuckles upon seeing Philip's reaction make me sighs.

"I think I will leave the two of you to talk then... Good night Dr. Marshall, sleep tight.." He add, still grinning and at the same time walking away from my tent.

"Oh I like him already.." Jayden says, laughing a little watching Philip from behind.

"Why do you want to see me?? Is it about the UNV for tomorrow??"


"Then bye. Cause I really need to sleep right now.." Just as I want to walk away from him, his deep voice stop me from taking my steps.

"Are you okay???" He asks. I turn around to look at him. Is he worried that I was scared due to what that just happened today?

"You mean the explosion?? Yeah of course I'm okay.." I reply shortly. But judging from his expression, it seems that he do not believe what I just said.

"All my body parts is still complete and perfectly intact.. See??" I says, while moving my hands, and legs. Although I know that's not what he meant by asking whether I'm okay or not, I just loves to annoys this man.

"Emily...." He reply, with a sighs. His eyes.. Yup, that eyes, that look... I hated it.

"Don't.. Don't call me like that.." I snap.

"Like what??" He asks, clearly knowing what I meant. He loves to provoke me, just like always...

Like you're in love with me you jackass!! I thought to myself while looking at his face in silence. I sighs before replying to him.

"I really need to sleep.. Can we please just cut this out?? Cause as you can see, I am perfectly fine, and I don't need your concern.."

"What is wrong with you??? Am I even not entitled to know whether you're okay or not??" He snap.

Oh god. Are we seriously doing this whole arguments AGAIN?? He look at me, not blinking. Somebody, save me.

"I think you should check on Amanda.. She looked really shocked of what just happened today.. You should go..." I says, trying to change the topic.

"Is that really what you want me to do?? Is it really what you want?"

My heart is beating fast, while I am gathering all that I has to hide my emotion. I hate him, I really do.

"And why are you asking me??" I asks, which he just proudly reply with a damn shrugs. Damn it.

"Ohh.. Do you really need your mama permission to care about your girl son??" I blink my eyes for a few times with a sarcastic smile to his face.

"Wow.. How thoughtful..." He says, with his serious handsome damn face. Oh god, this has to stop. I am showing him too much of my mature side today. Well done Emily.

"We really have to stop meeting like this.." The voice says, giggling. I know damn well who that voice belong to. I can hear Jayden let out a little sighs.

"I hope that I didn't interrupt your guys conversation though.. Am I??"

"Yeah you just did.." Jayden reply without showing any guilt on his face. I send him a death glares.

"No you didn't.. He was just joking.." I says, laughing a little, which Amanda also laugh while pinching Jayden's shoulder a little.

"Oh Jayden and his jokes.. That his charm by the way..." She add. Oucch. Is she giving me a hint that the two of them use to be together or what?? I stand there in silence.

"So, I was wondering if you could give me some coil in the store room.." Amanda voice bring me to the reality. Go away Emily. You should leave them. Go, Now.

"Well, if you could excuse me.. I am so sleepy right now.. I'll see you both tomorrow..." I says while smiling at Amanda. I do notices how Jayden's eyes not leaving my every action. Well, the hell with that.

I walk as fast as I can into my tent. I hated the fact that the two of them are together right now. By my ego really got the best of me. I don't want to admit it, but deep down I know I had to.

I love him. I am still in love with him.

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