09: Don't Rush

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Buffalo's Main Street,
New York City.

Jayden watch the rain is pouring heavily from inside of his car, while waiting for the traffic light to change into green. After he came back from the Afghanistan, all the Special Forces units, including Jayden went to the headquarters to make a report first.

He then went straight back to New York so that he could meet the only girl that had been driving him crazy for this past few days. Considering that the SF units haven't receive any new order, or a secret mission yet, Jayden want to use all his free time here in Buffalo while he can.

Just as he is enjoying the night view, suddenly a white car just went passed the traffic light, even though it is still red . It is a very familiar car. Jayden knows very well the flat number of that car. As a soldier, he could memorize almost anything even though he just seen it for the first time.

Especially as a member of Special Forces units, which is a highly trained soldier. Emily.. He thought to himself. It is exactly the same car that he saw at the Marcella Club, the day when he saw Emily, and her friend getting out from that very same car.

Just right after Emily's car is speeding away in front of him, the traffic light change to green. Without wasting time, Jayden push the gas paddle to follow Emily. Just as he is almost could get beside of her, Emily make a sudden turn to the left.

Jayden do notice that her car is currently seem like out of control. Jayden eyes become wide when he see the car nearly hit the big tree beside the road. He let out a little relief sigh when he see Emily stop at the right time before it could hit the tree.

A lot of cars that is currently passing beside of Emily's car, is honking at her. Jayden stop his car right beside Emily's. Without even thinking about the heavy rain that is currently at the outside, he open his car door in a rush, and run towards her car.

"Emily!!!" Jayden practically is yelling, with his hand knocking on her car's window. After knocking for a few times, Emily turn her head towards the window. Jayden notice that she is saying something with a little gasp. He knows that maybe she is shock seeing him being here. She then open the windows.

"Damn it Emily! Are you hurt??!!" Without waiting for Emily, he open the car's door. Jayden bend his knees a little so that he can reach Emily who is currently just sitting there, with her hard breathing.

"Shit, you're bleeding.." He say, while tucking Emily's hair behind, and trying to take a close look at her forehead.

"It's just a little scratch.. I'm okay.." She reply weakly. Her weak voice is almost could not be hear due to the loud sound of the rain.

"No you're not.." Jayden say, serious. Both of them is currently drenched in the rain.

"Just hold on a second okay??" Emily just nods at him. She could see that Jayden is talking on the phone for a few minutes. He then take his car's keys and lock the door. Emily just keep on watching him from inside of his car. Jayden walk towards her, while keeping his eyes on her. Only god knows how worried he is about Emily now.

"Move over there." He say with his one hand holding the car's door, and the other is pointing to the passenger seat beside of her.

"What about your car???" Emily ask.

"I've already called my friend. He will pick up my car later. For now, let's get you to the hospital first. Move." Jayden say without waiting for Emily's reply. Emily just obey him with a little sigh. She move over to the passenger seat.

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