41: A Three Sides Battle

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The Kaif's Hideout,
Nangarhar Province.

The U.S Army trucks just went through the main gate of the Kaif's hideout in a full speed. Jayden freaked out when they went to Deh Rawood town only to find nothing. No sight of Emily, or even Shawn. What make him worried more is the fact that Ho bring all of his man with him. The town was practically empty when they went there.

Thanks for a little tips from the villagers at Deh Rawood, they got to know that Ho is on a death battle with the Kaif's. Damn it.. Jayden thought to himself. If only they knew it sooner, they wouldn't wasted time to went to the Omerta hideout place. Only god knows what the fuck happen to Emily on the Kaif's hand right now. Something about this make Jayden feels uneasy. The fact that the Kaif's is fighting with the Omerta make him wonder if the Kaif's already knew about Emily and Ho real relationship. If it's true, then he must take Emily the hell out of this country, away from Ho, and all his enemy.

"How close are we Dan??? " Jayden yells to Dan, the one who is driving the trucks.

"We're getting close Sir.." He reply. Jayden glances to the outside for a few seconds. This province is literally surrounded by a woods, which is a strategic place for a hideout.   

"Everyone, remember. Our priority is taking the hostages to safety. This is going to be tough cause we're facing both the Kaif's and the Omerta at the same time." Jayden says, as they are near the Kaif's hideout place.

"Load a fuckin ammo as full as you can, and kills as many as you could out there. Do you all copy???"

"Yes Sir!!!!!!" All of the Delta Forces units member, that are inside the same trucks with Jayden reply. All of the army trucks stops not too far from the main entrance of the Nangarhar Province. The plan is to attack them by surprise. The battle could be a mess because currently, all of them could hears the noise inside that province.

"That gotta be the Kaif's and the Omerta.. " Andrew says while jumping down from the back of the truck, follows by Damon, Cole, Bradley, and Cooper from behind. Other soldiers from the base that are joining the mission also steps down from the other two trucks. Jayden, who were inside the same trucks with the rest of the Delta Forces units stops their truck right beside where the rest of the Special Forces units are standing right now. Jayden are the first one that jumps down from the truck. All of them are waiting for Jayden's order.

"Now, I will divides us into three teams. Josh, you bring seven soldiers with you, prepare to get inside their place from behind." Jayden says, looking directly at Josh, one of the U.S Army from the base. Josh nods at him.

"Copy." Josh reply.

"Gerald, you will be with the rest of the Delta Forces units. I want you guys to set a C- 4 around the Kaif's hideout, and when it's time, we'll blow them up all and for once. " What Jayden just says make Gerald and the rest of the Delta Forces units to nods.

"And I need you to see through that hideout. Look for the Kaif's leader, or Ho. Report it to me A.S.A.P if you see any signs of them." Jayden add, looking straight at Gerald. Emily is with one of them for sure. 

"Alright Jay. I will." Gerald reply. Jayden just gives him a nods, while tapping Gerald's shoulder a little. 

"The rest of you will follow me. We're going to attack them from in front. Do you all copy? " Jayden add, looking at all of them with his serious face. They messed with the wrong people. Taking Emily will be their greatest regret, cause he will make sure that he will finish them all today. No more playing hide and seek. This time, it's a endgame.

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