29: All The Guilt

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Dara Village,

"Wow. What a view." A voice that make both Shawn and Emily to turn their head. Emily let out a deep sighs when she sees Jayden standing right behind of them, with his death stares towards Shawn.

"While everyone is busy taking care of the patient, and here she is. The head of the medical team being all cozy with a man. Good job." Jayden says, with his sarcastic chuckles.

"Jayden-" Just as Shawn want to say something, Emily cut him off.

"You know what, I really don't have any energy left to argue with you, and your ridiculous statement. I'm so done with it." She says, not even blinking towards Jayden.

"Shawn, thank you so much for today. I talk to you later." She add, and walking away from them, not even glancing at Jayden who's looking at her like he want to eat her already.

Just as Jayden want to follow Emily, Shawn stop him.

"The fuck??" Jayden practically just snarl at him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing right now???" He add.

"Bad move Jayden. Bad move. You shouldn't have said that to her.."

"Oh yeah? And who the fuck are you anyway? I don't really need your fucking approval what I want to say to her, do I??" Jayden reply, with his face that look like it is ready to kills Shawn any minutes now.

Seeing Emily with Shawn earlier really make Jayden angry. The fact that he caught them while looking so intensely at each other like that, is enough to be a solid reason on why he should kills this man in front of him.

"For fuck sakes Jayden! She's having a hard time right now. Can't you see it??!!" Shawn yell back.

"This is her first time witnessing all of this. This is not some regular scene that she had always faced in the fucking ER. This is different. A lot of people died in front of her today. Even more than what she had deal in the hospital. Can't you see that she is blaming herself right now???" He add.

Realizing what Shawn just said is true, Jayden can't help himself but to let out a deep sighs.

"Ugh.. Damn it.." Jayden says, almost like whispering to himself.

"I am such an assholes.." He add again, talking to himself, sighing.

"Yes you are." Shawn's reply make Jayden give him a death glare.

"She's blaming herself right now. And you know what Jayden, this only the beginning.. Imagine what would happens when she knows the truth about Ho."

Ah fuck it.. Jayden thought to himself. He almost forget about it due to all that had happened today. How could he tells her? Jayden keep asking himself in his mind for a hundred times already.

"So please for fuck sakes, let her be for now. Don't make this hard on her. You of all people should know that.." He immediately leave Jayden, after what he just says.

Jayden stand there in silence, thinking. After what he just heard in the tent earlier, on how Emily went off grid by pushing herself after her mother died, Jayden feels more worried, and pressured about how she will accept the truth later.


Marjah District,
Helmand Province,

The talk with Taliban leader is taking too long than Samuel thought it will be. He become anxious when there is still no sign of Ho yet. Even though Omerta is with Taliban, they can't really give them a hundred percent of trust.

Hundred Percent It's You (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now