32: A Bad News

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The UNV Camp,
Qalai Naeem Village,
Kabul Province, Afghanistan.

Emily stares at Jayden's tent from her direction, not too far away from the camp. She stand beside one of the army truck that is park just right beside the camp.

Just as she want to go inside the camp, she hears her name is being called from behind of her. Emily turn around to see three man, or more accurately, police officers of Afghan.

"Are you Dr. Emily Marshall??" One of them asks.

Even though he know how to speak English, his local accent is really deep while talking to her. Emily give them a nods.

"Yeah I am."

"Doctor, we need you to be at the Kabul Hospital right now. It's about a patient that you treated in Dara village."

"Why?? Is there something wrong with the patient???" She asks, totally worried.

There was three people from the Dara village that needed to be open immediately. Which is why Emily had to operated them on the field. It's risky, but it was an emergency cases that cannot be avoided.

"I can't tell you what, but we really need you to come with us right now doctor.."

"Alright, let me just inform them first." Emily says, ready to take a steps inside the camp.

"We have already informed them doctor.. I suggest we just go, we are wasting time now." The other officers says.

She glances at Shanon, and Amanda's direction not too far away from where she is standing right now. At least, she need to tell someone that she is going with the polices officer.

Jayden will freak out looking for her if she just go without telling anyone. But seeing Shanon is 'so-into' her interview session with Amanda, telling her to stop her intention.

After all, she really need to hurry right now. The patient really need her. "Okay then. Let's go." Emily reply, and follows them in a rush.

One of the police officers have this satisfied smile on his face when they manage to convinces Emily to come with them without saying a words to people at the camp.


Jayden, Damon, and Cole is currently seating inside Jayden's tent, talking about the UNV programme activities for tomorrow.

"Okay. So, I've talk to one of the worker from UN, she said, considering what just happened today, tomorrow's activities will be postponed to the next day." Damon says, with satisfied smile all over his face.

"Huh. Thank god!! I'm kinda exhausted and I can't guarantee that I'll be waking up early for tomorrow's roll call." Cole says, sighing dramatically.

"Oh you wish." Jayden reply, chuckling. Damon also laugh a little while shaking his head.

"What? Am I not allowed to enjoys the fact that we're still alive? Today was hell...." Cole says, letting out a heavy, and very long sighs.

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