28: You Did Well

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Marjah District,
Helmand Province,

Ho is accompanied by Samuel, and another five guys from Omerta, to meet with the Taliban leader. Thanks to the years of experience that Ho had spent during his military here in Afghan, and plus to all of the years that he had spent when he join the terrorist world, Ho is fluent in speaking the foreign language of people here in Afghanistan.

"Wait here."

Samuel just nods at Ho, with his eyes watching every steps that Ho take into the Taliban leader room.

"Why would General Ho want to meet up with the Taliban??" One of the guy asks, looking at Samuel.

"It was regarding that matter with the Kaif's" Samuel reply. The Kaif's is actually one of the terrorist gang in the Afghanistan. But the Kaif's and Omerta doesn't really have a good relationship.

"Well, that would be bad cuz I heard that group had a quite bond with the Taliban.." The other guy add.

The misuderstanding that occur between Omerta and the Kaif's group was because they are fighting for the area of territory between them. Ho want to take over the Kandahar province under the Omerta, but the Kaif's does not agree with it.

If Ho did not think about his agreement to join the Taliban group, that Kaif's group would already be in blood bath war with Omerta right now.

The fact that both group has swore their allegiance towards the Taliban really complicate things.


Dara Village,

After making sure that Amanda has been sent back to the UNV camp, with Bradley as their escort, Jayden go to the tent where all of the injured are being treated.

Genevie who are currently taking a rest besides Shanon in the tent give Jayden a little smile when she sees him. He must be looking for Dr. Marshall.. Shanon thought to herself. She still remember earlier today, when Jayden about to lose himself, searching for Emily.

"Are they like seeing each other back??"

"Holy shit!!" Both of Shanon, and Genevie scream. Shocks due to the sudden appearance of Dr. Julien from behind of them.

"Opps..sorry girls.." Dr. Julien says, chuckling.

"Ughh.. I almost had a heart attack.." Shanon says. She take a few deep breath, in and out while her hand is on her chest.

"Yeah me too.." Genevie add, glaring at Dr. Julien.

"Okay okay.. I'm sorry alright? So, back to the question ladies," Dr. Julien says. Shanon and Genevie stare at him, totally don't have any idea what he's talking about

"Oh please, come on! Are those two lovebirds really got back with each other??" Dr. Julien says with his evil smirks, with his eyes signaling towards Jayden.

Both of Shanon and Genevie shakes their head a little, watching Dr. Lee's paparazzi modes is on.

"No.. I don't think so.. But that soldier seems to care a lot about Dr. Marshall.."

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