30: Heart To Heart

910 47 1

Dara Village,

"Talk." Emily says, not even looking at Jayden's face. She crossed her arm, under her chests.

"I'm sorry for what I've said earlier. About you, and Shawn.."

"I'm not really mad, or even offended. In fact, that is what you always did this whole time right? What's the big deal anyway? I'm kinda used to it already. Don't worry."

Jayden stares at her face in silent. Trying to find the right words to reply to her. One wrong move, and there is a high possibility that they'll end up fighting, AGAIN.

"So, how are you? Are you okay?" He asks, changing the topic.

"As you can see, I am coping well." She reply, short. Watching Jayden's unsure face, looking at her, make Emily let out a deep sighs.

"Jayden, if you're worried about me, then don't. Cause I'm perfectly fine.."

"Are you sure? Cause I'm pretty damn sure that's not the case when you talk to Shawn earlier." Jayden says, with that jealousy, yet sarcastic tone of him.

Emily look at him with her unbelief expression. "Really? Again?? What is it with you and Shawn anyway??" She asks, noticing that Jayden seems to hated everything when it includes Shawn.

"Obviously it's not just a merely jealousy. There is something between you two, is this involves a girl? From the past??" Emily asks.

Her mind is pointing out to Amanda. Those three knew each other. There is a high possibility that this feud between them is because of her.

Jayden give her a long look, like what the hell is she talking about right now. He looks at her in disbelief.

"A girl from the past?? Really?? Is that what he told you???"

"Just forget it. There is no use to talk with you Jayden. Every time the two of us involves in this whole talking thing, we always end up arguing AGAIN, and AGAIN." Emily let out a deep sighs.

"I guess I'll just find it out from Shawn then.." She add, frustrated.

"Oh so what, are you two like buddies now? Why is it okay to talk to him, but not me???" Jayden deadpan.

"Ugh.. Then tell me!!" She yell at him, but he is clearly ignoring her question.

"Well you know what, don't answer it. Really. Keep it to yourself then! But whatever it is Jayden, could you please let me stay out of it?? Stop using me as the damn triggers that caused you to fought with him." Emily sighs.

"I am not using you Emily. NEVER. I am worried about you, and you clearly don't give a damn about it. GREAT!!" Jayden scoffs.

"What? Worried about me??" She let out a chuckles.

"Why? Is it that hard to believe that I am worried about you?? I bet that is not the case with Shawn huh." He reply, sarcastically.

"Just save your concern for someone else. I am not that important to you anyway.. How long did we even knew each other?? 3 years? 5? 6? " She asks, looking at him.

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