23: Her Tragic Past

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The UNV Camp,
Qalai Naeem Village,
Kabul Province, Afghanistan.

Today is the first day of the UNV Programme. All NGOs, the medical team, reporters, and the peacekeeper of UN is busy playing their part. Many of the villagers that live in the rural area also comes to the camp.

Jayden sit inside his tent, waiting for Shawn. He's been thinking all night about the truth that he just found out. The first action that he should take is to discuss about this with Shawn. After all, they are together in this mission.

"So, what have you found out about Ho??" Shawn's voice wake him up from thinking about Emily. Jayden let out a big sighs.

"Judging from your big sighs, I guess it's not something good.." Shawn chuckles before he take a seat at the chair in front of Jayden's desk.

"Ho was an ex army for US special forces team.." Jayden reply. Shawn give him a reply with his amused face.

"Wow.. what a surprise... So we're against an ex US army which was also a part of the SF team??"

"Not just a part of it.. He was the captain of SF team during that time.." Jayden reply.

"What could possibly went wrong that make him to turn against his principle as a soldier??" Shawn says with his unbelievable face.

"Revenge..." Jayden reply, shortly.


"Ho lost his wife during a riot in United States, 22 years ago... That so called 'riot' is actually just a political game to hide one of the corruption by one of the higher up on the white house.. It was actually a cover up to divert the people's attention from that issue.."

"Ughh..the politics, and their game.. They played with people's life like it was some kind of the game.. What a bunch of sicko! And?? What happened next?? I bet that Ho had found out about that??" Shawn asks.

"Yup.. Apparently, he want to seek justice for his wife and the number of death that this so called 'riot' had caused.. But,"

"But the government told him to shut the fuck up right??" Shawn cut Jayden off.

"Yup.. Which is why he had turn his back against his own country, against his own beliefs, and even his family.." Jayden says, while letting out a sighs.

"His wife died isn't she??"

"Yeah.. but he had a daughter.."

"Okay then. Where is she right now? Maybe we could use his daughter to get to Ho.. He's doing all of this because of his wife right? Even though I hate to admit it, but this Ho is a family man. If he's willing to turned up against his own country for a revenge due to his wife, then that daughter of him might be useful.."

Hearing Shawn's reply make Jayden let out sighs AGAIN.

"What??" Shawn says, with his blank face.

"Ho's daughter doesn't even know that Ho exist..."

"What do you mean??"

"By the help of his wealthy family, his only brother, Ho faked his own death.."

"The fuck?? And his brother agreed with his mad decision??" Shawn reply.

"His daughter are adopted by his own brother.. Raising her as his own. Ho's daughter don't even know him at all...They hide the truth from her because," Jayden suddenly stop.

It is hard for him to explain what had happened to Emily. She's been through a lot ever since she was a child. This truth will break her apart.

"Arghh..Damn it.." He groans, frustrated.

"What??" Shawn asks, eager to hear about Ho. Jayden take a deep breath before he continue.

"During the riot, Ho's daughter was actually with Ho and his wife.. That riot had caused a great impact for Ho's 3 years old daughter... She was traumatized stuck in the middle of the riot which cause a great damaged to her memory.."

"Her memory? Are you saying that she forgot about what happened during that riot?"

"Not only that... She forgot all of her memory for the past 3 years of being alive... No memory about her parents, even her name..." Jayden reply.

"That was awful..."

"Therefore, knowing that his daughter under the care of his own brother, Ho started a plan to build a well known terrorist group.. Ho joined the 'Omerta' group, and after the former lead of Omerta died, Ho is chosen as the next leader due to his leadership.. The gang trusted him to lead them.. With all those years being a part of Special Forces team, it is an advantage to him.. He has years of experienced in the battle field, and familiar with all the guns.."

"Such a tragedy.. No wonder Ho turn out to be a terrorist.." Shawn says, with a sighs. Watching Jayden seems distracted make Shawn tap his shoulder.

"What is it on your mind right now? I knew that look.. Is there a problem about that daughter of Ho that we should be worried about?"

Jayden look at Shawn, thinking whether he should tell him or not. But still, there is no use of hiding it. Sooner or later, Shawn will know about this.

"Read it.." Jayden give the envelope to Shawn.

"Skip the first and second pages, read the part about Ho's family.." He add.

"Okay now, you really are freaking me the fuck out.." Shawn reply, taking the envelope. It only take him a few minutes to read it before he look at Jayden with a wide eyes.

"Don't tell me that this is the same Emily Marshall that we knew.." Shawn says, with his unbelievable expression.

"What the hell... I really didn't expect this.." He add. Jayden could only sit there in silence. How in the fuck I could tell Emily about this.. He thought to himself.

"Does Ho know about this? I mean yeah he knew that his daughter is alive and well under his brother care, but does he know her, as in does Ho know what Emily look like? And does he know that she had came to Afghanistan??"

"We don't know about that yet for sure. But judging from Ho's last stunt by setting the C4 near this UNV camp, it's either he didn't know what his daughter look like, or...." Jayden stop. He could only pray that his second assumption is not true.

"Or????" Shawn asks.

"Or either Ho was just too blinded by revenge that he is willing to sacrifices anything, EVEN IF IT INVOLVES HIS OWN DAUGHTER....."

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