42: A Moment Of Truth

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The Kaif's Hideout,
Nangarhar Province.

"Emily, I need you to stay right beside me okay?? What we're about to do is fuckin risky, and I need you to stick with me no matter what happen. Alright???" Jayden says, while holding Emily's shoulder softly. Their faces is only an inch away from each other.

"I will." She reply. Knowing that she would only be a distraction to Jayden if he has to carry her with him. Jayden wouldn't let her walk on her own if Emily says that she's not okay. Emily act like she's fine, and strong enough to escape from the cabin with them. She had to, especially in front of him.

"Damon, any sign of Josh and his team??!"

"They're in!!" Damon reply, with his eyes is focus on shooting the enemy, blocking them from getting into the cabin. Jayden nods a little hearing Damon's reply. He press a button on the walkie talkie. His hand that is cover with blood catch Emily's attention.

"Don't worry. It's not mine." He manage to tells her, with a little smile on his face. Emily nods. Even in this situation, he still had that energy to put a smile on his face only to ensure her that he is okay. Emily stares at his face. Deep down, having him by her side during a time like this really do make her feel safe. He make her feel safe.

"This is Jayden, OVER. Josh, can you hear me??" Jayden says, holding the walkie talkie while taking a cover behind a table there. "Calling for JOSH,OVER!!" He try again. But still no response. Damn it! He thought to himself. Suddenly, another sound of explosion just near them makes Emily gasps, covering her ears. The place is like hell. Disturbing noise like the fires gun, and explosion almost for every seconds. Jayden pulls her closer to him, with his one hand.

"Stay close." He says to her. Emily gives him a little nods. Just as Jayden want to put down the walkie talkie, Josh's voice stops him.

"This is Josh, OVER." Hearing his voice, makes Jayden let out a relief sighs. 

"Josh? Thank god damn it! What the situation out there??" 

"Not good Jay. The Kaif's and Omerta man is mad. They're shooting fires like hell out here." Josh says, with his eyes looking towards the enemy. They even fired their own man out here. The place is messed up. Thank god all of them are wearing their uniform. If not, it might be difficult to identify who is an ally, and who is the enemy.

"Get ready to get the hell out of this place. We'll goin to blow this place up." Jayden says.

"Copy that, OVER! 

"Gerald. Calling for Gerald, Over."  Jayden says, with his chest went up and down, breathing hard. This time, he is calling for Gerald. The team that is in charge on setting the place with the C-4. Damon, Cole, and even Bradley is currently struggling firing gun towards their enemy outside. At this rate, the cabin might will blow on it's own. They need to get out.

"Jay, This is Gerald, Over."

"The hostages is safe. I repeat, THE HOSTAGES IS SAFE. Get ready to blow this place up, and get the fuck away from this place. Do you copy??"

"YES SIR!!" Gerald reply, before Jayden switch off the walkie.

"Damon!!" Jayden yells towards Cole and Damon, giving them signal that all is clear to get the fuck out from this place.

"Ready??" Jayden asks, as he stares into Emily's eyes.

"Always." She reply, ensuring him. Jayden nods at her before he change his looks towards Bradley.

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