26: Feeling of Losing Her

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Dara Village,

At that moment, there's only one word that Jayden could think of.


Jayden is currently running towards the tent direction, follow by Cooper right behind of him. Some of the soldiers is also are running towards the tent.

Two tent is currently on fire right now. There are about 15 soldiers from the base, and a few of the UN peacekeepers is currently trying to save the people that are inside the burning tent.

"Bring more water!!!!" One of the peacekeeper says.

"We need more stretcher in here!!!" Another one soldier says.

Many of the villagers who's already on the edge of dying due to the gun shots, and their stab wounds, are now suffering two times more than what they've already felt. Especially the one that is located inside the tent which is near to the explosion that just happened.

Jayden become more panic when he notices no sign of Emily at all in the crowded. Where the hell is she?!! He thought to himself, frustrated.

The other doctor, and the two nurses from the medical team except Emily, and Dr. Sophia are there, treating all the villagers.

"Damn it! Where are you Emily.." Jayden says to himself, while looking for Emily inside all of the tent there.

"Have you seen Dr. Marshall??" Jayden ask Shanon who's currently are helping Dr. Lee.

"Just before the explosion happened, I saw her with Dr. Sophia. But right now I don't have any idea where she is.." Shanon reply, controlling herself not to shed a tears. To even think about the possibility that Dr. Emily, and Dr. Sophia has died terrifies her.

All the noise from the injured villagers, the soldiers screaming at each other asking for this and that, the tent is on fire, a numbers of people to be treated, the dead bodies of the villagers just beside the tent, and now with Emily and Dr. Sophia is nowhere to be found, Shanon feels a whole lot of mix emotion inside of her.

"Fuck!!!" Jayden yell in the midst of the chaos.

"Calm down. I'm sure she's okay.." Cooper says to Jayden.

Cole who's also been trying to find Dr. Sophia, walk towards Jayden in a hurry. He let out a deep sighs.

"I can't find them Jay. Not even Shawn.." Cole says.

"Are you sure you saw them inside the tent???" Jayden once again asks Shanon. She just nods at him with her teary eyes.

"Don't let your emotion get in the way Shanon. We still have a long way to go." Dr. Lee says to Shanon softly, trying to calm her.

Deep down, Dr. Lee is also worried about Emily and Dr. Sophia, but every seconds matter now. They can't neglect their responsibility for all of this people only because of their emotion.

"Yes Dr. Lee.." Shanon reply, and continue to focus on helping Dr. Lee.

"Genevie,bring me the pain killers!" Dr. Julien yell, who is currently inside the other tent not to far away from them. He is trying to calm one of the injured villagers inside the tent.

Jayden just stand there in silence, watching all of the medical team, the nurses from the UN, the peacekeepers, and all of the soldiers from the base getting themselves busy.

"Jay, are you okay??" Cole look at Jayden. He looks like he just lost his soul.

"Jay??" This time Cole try to touch his shoulder a little. But still no response from him. Jayden just stand there, not knowing what he should do. The thought of losing her terrified him.

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