39: A Farewell

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The Kaif's Hideout,
Nangarhar Province.

Rafael is still laughing so hard even after he has cut the phone call with Ho. The satisfaction on his face is very clear. For the first time, Ho can't even say anything back to him. He already knew the fact that Shawn is with the Omerta right now. His man has told him about Ho's right man, Samuel, taking Shawn from the UNV Camp. It means that Ho must have already knew about his daughter.

Emily open her eyes slowly, only to realize that she is tied up at a chair. She feel dizzy, and a little blurry. One of Rafael's man realize that she's awake. He says something to Rafael while pointing out his hand towards Emily's direction.

It took Emily a few seconds to look clearly at the figures that is standing in front of her right nos. Her heart is starting to beat fast, when she sees the three unfamiliar man who are standing right in front of her. Rafael smirks at her.

"Finally!! The lion's daughter is awake!!" Rafael says, laughing a little, taking a few steps towards her.

Emily let out a little grunts, trying to free herself. One of the man says something to her, warning her to stop moving, trying to free herself or she will get killed. Rafael just laugh at his man statement.

"Aww.. be good, although she must have no idea at all about what you just said to her.." Rafael says, that make his man letting out a sarcastic chuckles.

This make Emily's eyes to focus on that figure, standing right beside Rafael. That sarcastic chuckles. That face. He was one of the man that had taken her from the UNV Camp. She stares at that face for a few seconds.

Oh god... Oh god... She thought to herself, gasping a little. A few drops of tears went through her cheeks. Rafael just watch her in amused expression.

Emily must have finally remember what happened before she passed out. Rafael thought to himself, still waiting to see what Emily's response next.

"Oh my god.. You--" Her voice is shaking.

"You killed her...." She finally says, more like whispering to herself.  Crying in silence.

Oh god.. Sophia... She thought to herself. The images of that man killing Dr. Sophia right in front of her eyes terrified her. She still remember when Dr. Sophia was trying so hard stopping them from taking her at the tent.

And that look on her face when they stab her for over and over again. That man stab her while letting out those sarcastic chuckles like she was nothing. He killed Dr. Sophia brutally.

Emily was too weak at that time, when the Kaif's was taken her. There was nothing that she could do to help Dr. Sophia. Her eyes is already swollen, and red. She bent her head down, staring at the floor, sobbing so hard.

"Sophia..." She sobs. Little did she know that Dr. Lee is also dead. The only difference is that she already passed out when Dr. Lee came into the tent, trying to save her and Dr. Sophia, but end up dead by the same man that had stabbed Dr. Sophia.

Emily cries for a few seconds until Rafael's voice make her to lift her head up. He is talking with his man in a foreign language that she could not understand. The only thing that she knew is when they mention Ho's name.

"Ohh..  It seems like the lion's name caught your attention huh??" Rafael says, with his sarcastic tone.

The lion's name??.. Emily thought to herself, with her bewildered face.

A moment ago, she clearly still can remember when Rafael said that the lion's daughter is finally awake, when he saw her waking up from the drug that they gave her. And now, the lion that he meant was Ho??

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