31: Evil VS Evil

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Nangarhar Province,

Nangarhar Province is one of the deadliest province in Afghanistan, which followed by the Helmand Province, Kandahar, and Logar Province.

Many of the U.S service members killed in the past few years combat when the U.S accompanied by Afghan forces into the battle to fought the Taliban.

Ho, and his man walk past the Kaif's man one by one, to get into their group leader room. And as always, only Ho will be allowed to get into the room. All of his man, from Omerta group will wait for him from the outside.

"Ho!! My friend!" The Kaif's leader say, as soon as he sees Ho. Lucky for Ho, this Kaif's leader know how to speak in English, even though he's an Afghan.

"I heard what you did at the Dara village.." Rafael says to Ho, with his smirks.

"Well, that's what people will get when they try to cross me." Ho deadpan at him, which make Rafael to laugh.

"Duly noted." He reply, still with his laugh.

"I came here to talk." Ho says back, annoys to see him laughing like a mad man.

"Ohh stop being so serious Ho." He give Ho a smirks. Pretending not to know what Ho is talking about.

"We both know why I came. So let us just get to the main point. STAY OUT OF THE KANDAHAR PROVINCE, Rafael." Ho reply, calm. But clearly it sound like a threat.

"Oh I'll be damned! Are you're threatening me Ho??" Rafael says, laughing hard this time. A few of his man also join him.

"We've known each other for years Rafael, you know what I am capable of."

"Then you also know what I am capable of don't you? Right Ho??" He asks Ho back, with his serious face.

"Oh yes I am." Ho reply. The tense between them is clearly in the air, with the both of them glaring at each other.

"I will not tolerate it anymore, if you interfere with the Omerta activities starting from now on. And one thing for sure, this is not a threat Rafael. This is your last chance." Ho add, practically snarling at him.

Rafael burst out laughing again, clearly taking what Ho just said as a joke. "Wow, I am so afraid right now."

"Do it again, and I will kill those boys of yours with my OWN HAND." Ho reply, pointing his hands towards the Kaif's group member, before he walk away.

Rafael watch Ho walk away from behind with his furious look. He is thinking about how he could make Ho to suffer, without getting on the Taliban's bad side. After all, both of their group is with the Taliban. But still, as long as they did not cause any harm to the Taliban, they will not interfere.

One thing for sure, Rafael is very determined that day. He vows to himself, that he will destroy Ho, along with the Omerta group.

He will.


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