37: Towards The Bloodbath

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U.S Military Base,
Bagram Airfield (BAF),
Parwan Province, Afghanistan.

"Jasker's dead Jay." Cole says. Jayden immediately looks at Cole, with his unbelief expression.

"You've gotta be joking right?? Are you saying that we've lost the only person that could lead us to Ho??"

"I'm so sorry Jay.." Cole says, sighing.

"If only we'd came a little bit sooner, maybe we could find something about Ho.. But Jasker was hardly breathing when we got there." Bradley add, looking at Jayden's face with a deep sighs.

Lt. General Arnold also let out a deep sighs. He knows how much this case meant to Jayden, and how complicated it is. When Emily was taken by the Omerta, both Jayden and Shawn had already came clean with Lt. General Arnold the truth about Emily being Ho's daughter.

"Damn it!!" Jayden practically just yells in frustration.

"Calm down.. We need to plan this carefully from now on. This just proves that there is more than one 'mole' inside the army." Lt. General Arnold says.

"What do you mean Sir?? Are you implying that there is more of them inside the U.S Army???" Bradley asks, with his wide eyes.

Both Jayden, and Cole was also surprised to hears what Lt. General Arnold just said.

"There is a high possibility that we're dealing with more 'mole' among us in the army.." Lt. General Arnold add.

"If this true, then we better watch our back.. Only god knows what kind of confidential information from the army that had been sold to Ho." Cole says.

"Not only Ho.." Jayden let out a very deep sighs.

"We're dealing with a bunch of damn terrorist group here in Afghan, which include the Taliban, and also the Kaif's." Jayden add.

Jayden had already encountered the Kaif's gang here in Afghan even long before Emily, and the Medical team came here to volunteer. The Kaif's is also one of the small gang under the Taliban group.

One thing for sure, Jayden knew that the Omerta and the Kaif's did not have a very good relationship between them. Both were fighting over the power that the Taliban group gave them.

"The Kaif's???" Cole asks, looking a Jayden.

"They are one of the terrorist gang under the Taliban group." Lt. General Arnold reply.

Jayden stand there in silence, like he was thinking so deeply inside his mind. "Jay??" Cole says, looking at him. He knows that looks. Something is bothering that friend of him.

"If the Kaif's also has a 'mole' inside the U.S army, then--" Suddenly Jayden stop.

What if the Kaif's already knew about Emily being the daughter of Omerta's leader, Ho ?? And what if the Kaif's is already planning something to use Emily against Ho??

Damn it!! Jayden thought to himself.

"Sir, I need to go to the camp. And I need a new order sir."

"What kind of new order are you talking about Walker??"

"A mission to finish Ho, and his gang once and for all Sir." Jayden reply.

"But Jay, we need Ho alive remember??" Cole says, with Bradley besides of him nodding a little. No one knows what is going on in their captain's mind right now.

"He had done a lot of damage not only to the U.S army, but also all the innocent lives here in Afghan sir. We don't need him.. The intel about the Taliban? I'll get it for you sir, I'll promise.. Just give me the order, and I'll promise after all of this is settle, leave the Taliban's matter on the Special Forces units."

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