35: A Sacrifices

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The UNV Camp,
Qalai Naeem Village,
Kabul Province, Afghanistan.

"Dr. Finn!!" Jayden yell, with Emily on his arm. He walk fast towards one of the medical tent.

"Oh my god. Did she got shot??!" Dr. Sophia ask, totally worried.

"No. But she's been given some kind of drugs by some creepy assholes.." Cole reply.

"Let's get her inside.." Dr. Finn says to Jayden, pointing towards the medical tent.

Jayden immediately get Emily to the inside in a rush, without even wasting a seconds.

"Huhh....what a day.." Cole let out a sighs, looking at Shawn, and Bradley.

"I guess now we are officially back being a Special Forces units huh." Bradley says.

"Our perfect holiday as a peacekeepers during our deployment here is officially ended.. We have a new mission now." He add.

"After all, it's our final month here in Afghan.. Our deployment was only for eight months.." Cole reply, with his dramatic sighs.

Shawn just keep his mouth in silence. That new mission that they received from the General Arnold is bothering him. Just as they want to walk away from the tent, Jayden's voice stop them.

"Cole, I want you to go the base." He says to Cole.

"The base?? What for??" Cole reply, confuse. Meanwhile for Shawn, his heart is starting to beat fast. He had already guess why Jayden told Cole to went to the base.

Fuck.. He thought to himself.

"Ask for General Arnold's permission to talk to Jasker. If he refuse to talk, MAKE HIM." Jayden reply.

"After she's awake, I'm going to kill that bastard, and all the motherfucker from the army who's been selling themselves to Ho." He add, looking so furious.

"Copy that. I'll make him talk no matter what." Cole reply, looking at Jayden, before he went back inside the tent.

"I'll go with you." Shawn says to Cole, while trying his best to control his panic.

"No. Stay. I'll just go with Bradley. You need to stay here, and stop Jayden incase he lose control, and tries to face Ho alone." Cole reply, which Bradley just nods.

"Stop him Shawn.. He's like a time bomb right now, especially when it's comes to Dr. Marshall.." He add.

"I will..." Shawn reply, in his defeated tone. Only god knows how frustrated he feels inside right now.


Dr. Finn, and Dr. Sophia is currently standing beside the bed inside the medical tent. Shanon also stand beside them, helping them both if there is anything that they need.

It is not that serious, but still Dr. Finn just want to make sure that she is okay. Just incase the fluid that had been injected inside her is something turn out to be harmful.

"Is she going to be okay??" Shanon says, with her eyes looking at Emily, laying on the bed, with an IV fluid on her arm.

"She is Shanon, Don't worry.." Dr. Sophia assures her, tapping Shanon's shoulder a little.

"I'm going to sent this to the medical lab in hospital of Kabul.. Just incase you know.. For precautions.." Dr. Finn says, looking at Dr. Sophia, and Shanon.

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