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Right after they hears Ho's voice, Jayden gives signal to Damon to aim towards Ho, with Shawn covering him. Both Cole and Bradley are firing their guns towards Rafael's direction. The sounds of gun shooting, bullets that went through the ground, and some went through the trees is quite loud, especially now that the shooting is not only coming from two, but three sides at the same time. 

How many times is it already? Her life is like hanging by a thread ever since she came to Afghanistan. Explosion, gun fires, kidnaping, death..  All of these is like her loyal companion. Emily screams, while leaning her back on the tree, covering her ears. She close her eyes, tight. Jayden change his focus towards Emily. Hearing her screams, make him crawls towards her direction.

"Emily! "Jayden says, as soon as he is right beside her, facing her. But Emily still closes her eyes tight, while covering her ears. Both her hands is trembling. Looking at her under that state, really break him down. Jayden is currently on his knees, facing her. He takes her hand, holding it softly. "Emily.." He breathes. She's been going through hell in this place. If only he could turn back time, he would do it for her. 

"I'm sorry.. I am so sorry.." He says, taking her into his arm, hugging her, while pressing his lips on her forehead slowly. "I'm sorry. " His voice is breaking down. Somehow he feels like he is the reason why Emily is in this situation. He failed to protect her.. Jayden's voice wake Emily up from her misery. She could still feels the warmth of Jayden's lips on her forehead. Emily opens her eyes slowly.

"Jayden..." She says, weakly.

"Hey, we're gonna be okay.. the backup from base will come any minutes now.. stay with me, okay?? " Jayden reply, softly. Convincing her that all of this are going to be okay.

"It's Ho isn't it?? " Emily asks, with her teary eyes. Jayden slowly nods at her.

"I won't let him get to you, promise.. " Jayden reply, with a smile on his face. Emily just nods at him with her teary eyes. There is no way in hell that the murderer is her father. He's not.. and he will never be.. Emily thought to herself.

"Emily, listen.. I need you to stay here no matter what happen okay? Don't move. Don't move unless I tells you to, okay? " Jayden says to her. The loud sound of the gun fires is ringing in her ears. Unlike all of them, Emily is the only one that are quite new on this situation. This situation is like a playground for Rafael, Ho, Jayden and the rest of his team, but not her, Basically, she is the only civilian here. Emily nods at him.

Jayden then starts to fire his guns towards Rafael's direction. The fact that he is Emily's biological father would not change the fact that he is a cold blooded killer. Both Ho and Rafael is a threats for the International Security, a wanted terrorist that has been on the U.S Army list. Many innocent lives has suffered on their hands. He has to end this. Right here, right now.

"JAY!! We're almost out of ammo!! " Damon yells, in the middle of shooting towards Ho and his mans.

Just hang on a little bit more. Jayden thought to himself as he is also are currently firing towards Rafael. The reinforcement from the Base will come any minutes now. They just need to hold on a little bit. Just as they are firing guns at each other, a bullets went through Bradley's shoulder. 

"FUCK." Bradley groans in pain.

"Bradley!" Cole, who is hiding behind a tree that is not too far from Bradley yells.

"I'm okay man! Just a little cut! " Bradley reply, leaning his back on the tree, putting his gun to the ground. "I'm out of ammo." He adds, with his unstable voice due to the pain.

"Damn it!!" Jayden yells in frustration while shooting his gun. At this rates, they all might be dead even before the backup team from the Base could come to their location.

"Seems like the base is taking quite a time aren't they? " Damon says, chuckling sarcastically while his eyes is focus firing towards Ho's direction.

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