34: Thanks For The Tips

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Deh Rawood Town,
Uruzgan Province,

Jayden.. Emily says in her mind, with her teary eyes watching the man in front of her is getting ready,

Taking off his pants..

"You're going to love it!" He screams in enjoyment, making his way towards her.

No!!!!! Please don't! Emily practically just yell in her mind. Praying that someone is going to stop this. Just as he is just one step away from her, suddenly that man fell to the ground.

His blood is bursting out all over the room, and even at Emily's face, and some is on her white sleeve. She watch him laying at the floor, with a hole on his forehead, lifeless.

Emily is terrified looking at his dead body. Tears went through her cheeks like a river, crying in silence. She feels thankful that the man is shoot to death before he could even do what he want. But at the same time, she is also scared, and terrified, which make her to shivers.

A few seconds later the door is being open again. Her eyes is wide open looking at that figure in front of her.

It's him. Jayden Walker.

Jayden! She literally screams in her mind, watching him walk into the room follows by Cooper, Bradley, and Andrew right behind of him. Jayden's eyes is immediately focus at Emily's terrified eyes. He take a steps towards her, with his eyes not leaving hers even for a seconds.

Jayden look at the blood that is currently all over Emily's white clothes, and her face. He wipes the blood on her face, with his hand.

"Miss me??" He jokes, giving her a warm smile. He looks calm, but inside, it's been hell for him too. Jayden open the tap on her mouth slowly, with Cooper who is currently standing behind Emily's back, cutting the ropes on her wrist, and legs.

"Emily.." Jayden says under his breath, hugging her, tight, as soon as she is free from the ropes that was tying her up. Her body is shivering, and cold. She cries so hard, with her face under Jayden's chest.

"It's okay. You're okay... I'm here.." He keep on saying that to her, touching her back softly, calming her. Emily's vision is starting to get blur.

"You're cold as ice." Jayden says, tighten his arms around her. Emily can't even seems to say anything, she just cries so hard, sobbing in his arms.

"Shh...shh..It's over. Shhh.." He comforts her, kissing her forehead.

And that feels. The feelings that he felt having Emily in his embrace, alive, and unharmed. Only god knows how thankful Jayden feels right now. The truth is, he almost lost it when he heard Emily's voice earlier.

Due to that terrified voice of her, he almost blow off the plan that Shawn, and the rest of Special Forces units had prepared before they start this rescue mission.

"Jayden.." Emily says before she closes her eyes, almost like a whispers. Her voice is so weak that Jayden can barely heard her. Realizing that Emily is currently unconscious, he panic.

"Emily??! Emily?!!!" He touch her face, with her body still on his arm.

"Emily??? Hey, Emily??What is wrong with her??" Jayden yell, looking at Andrew.

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