13: Step Towards Us

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Buffalo, New York City,
ECMC Hospital.

7 Months Later...

"Emily!!" Hearing Elizebeth's voice from behind make her turn her head to look at her best friend who is currently running towards her. Emily shakes her head with both of her hands inside of her doctor gown pocket.

"Emily!!" Elizebeth yell her name again, with her chest went up and down, out of breath due to all the running.

"You two can go to the ward without me.." Emily say to the both of the first year resident. They just nods at her before leaving.

"I saw your name on the board.. What was that all about?? Afghanistan? Really??" Elizebeth say, that make Emily to let out a little sigh.

"Our hospital are joining the UNV programmed, so I am taking part of the volunteering work.."

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programmed is the volunteer arm of the United Nations that was created by the UN General Assembly in 1970 to serve as an operational partner in development cooperation at the request of UN member states. It is administered by the United Nations Development Programmed (UNDP). Elizebeth give Emily a 'Really?' look after what she just say.

"It's just for a month.. And plus, it's not like I am going there alone.. I am going with the rest of the medical team from our hospital, which is by the way, to help people in need.." Emily sighs.

"Really?? Is that really the reason why you're doing it??" Elizebeth ask. Emily give her a confuse look.

"Or is it because you want to run away from your dad, or should I say your foster dad who is actually your biological un..." Elizebeth add again.

"Don't..." Suddenly Emily stop her.

"Why?? So that you could run away from the reality????" Elizebeth reply.

"I am not running Lizzie..."

"Then what?? Shouldn't you be happy right now that the fact that you are a Marshall?? Even if you're angry, but for god sakes, going to Afghanistan is not going to solve any of your problem right now.."

"Do you think I'm being like this only just because of that thing??"

"Then what??" Elizebeth reply. Emily is currently trying so hard not to shed a tears. Mr. Marshall had told her everything. Not only the fact that he is actually her biological uncle, but there is more. She take a deep breath while clenching her fist.

"He lied Lizzie.. He lied to me.." Emily say, while trying to control her own emotion.

"My dad, He's alive..."

"What???" Elizebeth almost yell, with her unbelief expression.

"He's alive??!!"

"Yupp..all this time, they lied to me. My dad is alive all this damn time.." Emily reply with her teary eyes.

"There must be a good reasons why your family keep it from you.. Have you talk to your dad, I mean, Mr. Marshall yet??"

"No. I don't need to talk to him. What guarantee that he will tell me the truth after all these years of feeding me the lies???"

"Oka then, but are you sure you want to go?.." Elizebeth ask, while holding Emily's shoulder.

"I'm sure.. And plus, I am the head of the medical team for this UNV programmed.."

"The flight to Afghanistan is on tomorrow morning isn't it??"

"Yeah..And I am not running. I just need time..I will sort all of this when I came back from Afghanistan.."

"You mean, after you came back from Afghanistan one month later.." Elizebeth roll her eyes when she mention that 'one month' part.

"Exactly...One month later..Don't miss me too much okay.." Emily reply, while giving her best friend a little smile.

Even though all the truth is hurting her, she pretend to be strong. Deep down, she want to cry so damn hard.

The fact that her father is alive, but never even once are looking for her, and that her whole family is hiding it from her, she knows that there must be something more behind all these lies.


U.S Military Base,
Bagram Airfield (BAF),
Parwan Province, Afghanistan.

"Have you heard about the UNV Programmed??" Lt. General Scott Arnold ask Jayden while walking side by side with him.

"Yes sir. I've heard that our country will be sending a medical team for the UNV this year.." Jayden reply.

It's been 7 months that he, and his units have been deployed in Afghanistan. Another one more month for this deployment to end.

"The programmed is going to be at the Kabul Province in another two days..But the medical team is coming to Afghanistan tomorrow.." The Lt. General say, which Jayden just nods.

"Do you still remember what happened during your mission at Qalai Naeem village in Kabul province seven months ago??" The Lt. General suddenly stop on walking, while looking at Jayden with his serious face.

"I do remember it sir. But what about it??"

"I'm afraid that the one that behind all those kidnapping, and killing is still out there in Kabul..." Deep down, Lt. General Scott Arnold do knows that the so called 'General Ho' is the culprit behind the UN worker incident, but there is nothing that he could do. That man is like a ghost. It is very difficult to find him.

"If that's true, then the programmed," Jayden can't even finish his sentence.

"Exactly. The programmed Captain Walker. The UNV programmed that will take place in Kabul for one month make me worried.. If it only I could change the venue for that programmed, I would've done it.." Lt. General cut Jayden off.

"Which is why I need you, and your units to be in charge of the medical team's safety while they are here.. The last month of your deployment will be at Kabul province. Do you copy??" He add, that make Jayden look at him with his serious face.

"Copy that Sir!!!!!"

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